DIY Tips for Maintaining Your Roof

The roofing structure of your residence stands as a pivotal element, providing a shield against the forces of nature for both you and your belongings. The significance of routine upkeep cannot be overstated to guarantee sustained durability and effectiveness in safeguarding your home. Despite the undeniable importance of professional inspections,…

How To Make A Huge Bonfire

Creating a huge bonfire is not only a skill but an art that combines safety, technique, and a bit of spectacle. I’ve had my fair share of bonfire experiences, and I want to share with you how to create a memorable and safe bonfire that can be the highlight of an outdoor gathering or a personal accomplishment in your homesteading journey.

Planning and Safety First

Before diving into the construction of a bonfire, it’s crucial to prioritize planning and safety:

  • Location: Choose a flat dirt area in a large clearing. This minimizes the risk of the fire spreading.
  • Safety Measures: Ensure that the bonfire is surrounded by a non-flammable area. For example, having snow or a cleared area around the bonfire site is vital to prevent the spread of fire.
  • Legal and Environmental Considerations: Always check local laws regarding bonfires and consider environmental impacts.

Constructing the Bonfire

The key to a huge, lasting bonfire lies in its construction:

  • Base Structure: Use fresh cut green logs, slightly notched at each end. This helps in creating a stable structure.
  • Log Arrangement: Arrange the logs in a criss-cross pattern, similar to playing with Lincoln logs.
  • Internal Fuel: Fill the gaps within the structure with split, dry firewood. This will aid in igniting the green logs and maintaining the fire.

Lighting the Bonfire

  • Starting Small: Begin with a smaller fire within the structure. This will gradually ignite the dry wood and eventually the green logs.
  • Observation: As the fire grows, it’s crucial to monitor its progress and ensure it remains controlled.

Enjoying the Bonfire

  • Safety Distance: Maintain a safe distance as the bonfire reaches its peak. It’s mesmerizing to watch but safety should always come first.
  • Duration: A well-constructed bonfire can burn for hours, providing warmth and a fantastic spectacle.

Key Takeaways

  • Preparation is Key: Proper planning and constructing a stable structure are essential for a safe and successful bonfire.
  • Safety Cannot Be Overstressed: Always prioritize safety and legal considerations when planning a bonfire.
  • The Beauty of the Burn: A well-made bonfire is not just a source of heat, but a work of art that can provide hours of enjoyment.

Concluding Thoughts

Building a huge bonfire is a gratifying experience that combines skill, safety, and a deep respect for nature. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just an adventurous endeavor in homesteading, the glow of a well-made bonfire is truly unforgettable.

I’ve outlined the basics and some personal insights into creating a huge bonfire. Remember, the key to a successful bonfire lies in careful planning, a solid understanding of safety, and a bit of creativity. Enjoy your bonfire responsibly

Home-Built Portable Chainsaw Mill: A Comprehensive Guide


This post outlines the journey of constructing a portable chainsaw sawmill. It delves into the author’s inspirations, the support received from local businesses in Fort Smith, and explores the various sawmill types, highlighting the project’s duration and the meticulous planning and construction phases.

The Motivation Behind the Project

Choosing the Sawmill Type

Sawmill owners often debate the merits of different sawmill types: chainsaw, bandsaw, swinger, and circular mills. The author emphasizes that the choice largely depends on personal preference and intended use, leading to the decision to construct a chainsaw sawmill tailored to his needs.

Construction Journey

Planning and Design

The mill’s journey began with an 18-month planning phase. This period involved thorough research, design iterations, and gathering necessary parts. The Sawmill is powered by a modified Stihl 066 chainsaw with a 32 inch bar.

Building Process

The construction, spanning 3 months, was a collaborative effort with Chuck. The extended timeline was attributed to continuous modifications and enhancements to ensure the mill met the author’s precise requirements.This is Chuck getting the chopsaw lined up to cut the steel for the carriage.This is Chuck getting the chopsaw lined up to cut the steel for the carriage.Making the first cut on the inch and a half tubing that will be used for the carriage frame.Making the first cut on the inch and a half tubing that will be used for the carriage frame.This is me cutting therest of the tubing to length.This is me cutting the rest of the tubing to length.One side of the frame welded.One side of the frame welded.Adding the top pieces.Adding the top pieces.Tacking it all together.Tacking it all together.Frame is almost finished, we thought.Frame is almost finished, we thought.adding the corner bracesadding the corner bracesAdding the 2X4 tubing that the wheels bolt to.Adding the 2X4 tubing that the wheels bolt to.Ready to weld them.Ready to weld them.Once again, I was thinking that the frame was almost finished.Once again, I was thinking that the frame was almost finished.Starting to bolt the hardware on that will raise and lower the saw.Starting to bolt the hardware on that will raise and lower the saw.Close up of the sliding bar clamp.Close up of the sliding bar clamp.Bolted the chainsaw on for the first time and decided the frame is not wide enough for what I want it to do.Bolted the chainsaw on for the first time and decided the frame is not wide enough for what I want it to do.Widened the carriage frame to38 inchs, moved the hardware that lifts the saw to the inside and added the sprockets and chains.Widened the carriage…

Homemade Food Dehydration: Rediscover This Gem for Large Quantities!

Looking to cook and preserve your favorite meals while enjoying a healthier lifestyle? Try vacuum sealing canned chicken. Homemade food dehydration is the answer! Say goodbye to expensive store-bought snacks and hello to a cost-effective way of preserving and savoring your favorite ingredients with vacuum sealing. Extend the shelf life of your canned chicken and cook it whenever you want. With a vertical flow dehydrator, you can easily create delicious dehydrated snacks and meals right in your own kitchen. Rehydrate and cook them whenever you want by vacuum sealing them.

By dehydrating your meals, you not only extend their shelf life but also retain essential nutrients without the need for additives or preservatives. Vacuum sealing is a popular method to preserve and rehydrate dehydrated food. Whether it’s crispy apple chips, savory beef jerky, or flavorful beans and rice, we’ve got you covered with easy-to-follow techniques that will have you enjoying delicious snacks in no time.


Essentials of Food Dehydration

Science Behind Food Dehydration

Food dehydration is a process that removes moisture from food, allowing it to dehydrate and be stored for longer periods without spoiling. This can significantly extend the shelf life of the food. A food dryer is typically used to dehydrate the food, and once it is ready to be consumed, it can be rehydrated. Understanding the science behind food dehydration is essential to dehydrate and ensure the preservation of nutrients, as well as extend the shelf life of meals. Rehydrating dehydrated food can restore its original texture and taste. When food is dehydrated, the water content decreases significantly, extending the shelf life of meals and inhibiting the growth of microorganisms that cause spoilage. Rehydrating vacuum-sealed meals can restore their original texture and taste. This process also helps rehydrate the dehydrated meals and extends their shelf life. It slows down enzymatic reactions and reduces oxidation, retaining vitamins and minerals in the dryer foods.

Methods of Food Dehydration

There are various methods available for food dehydration, including using a dehydrate or dryer. Each method has its own advantages and considerations, especially when it comes to dehydrating meals and fruit. Air drying is one common method where food, including fruit and meals, is left to dry naturally in open air. This process can be done using a dryer or by dehydrating the food. Using a food dryer is a great way to dehydrate fruit. It requires minimal equipment, such as a panel, and can be time-consuming. However, the process is dependent on weather conditions. Another popular method involves using a dehydrator, which uses controlled heat and airflow to efficiently dehydrate fruit by removing moisture. Dehydrators, also known as fruit dryers, offer precise temperature control and faster drying times compared to air drying. These machines are specifically designed to dehydrate fruits and other food items.

Wide Range of Foods That Can Be Dehydrated

Dehydration opens up a world of possibilities. Fruits like apples, bananas, and berries can be dehydrated using a dryer into delicious snacks with concentrated flavors. The process…

Chicken Coop 101: Thirteen Lessons We’ve Learned

Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of chicken keeping? In this lesson, we will explore the ins and outs of caring for chickens, from providing them with a safe and secure door to learning valuable lessons about their behavior. So let’s open the door to this fascinating journey and start our chicken keeping adventure! From understanding the basics of construction to learning valuable lessons and reaping the benefits of having backyard chickens, we’ve got you covered.

Building a chicken coop may seem like a daunting lesson idea at first, but fear not! We’ll provide a lesson, guiding you through all the necessary information and offering helpful tips along the way. Inside this section, we’ll discuss important factors such as ventilation, insulation, and lighting to ensure your feathered friends have a comfortable living space. Plus, we’ll touch on areas like pest control and proper maintenance to keep your coop clean and safe for your flock.

Embark on this adventure with us as we share our experiences and insights gained from raising our own chickens. Whether you’re a seasoned poultry enthusiast or just starting out, this blog post is here to help you create an ideal home for your feathery companions. So buckle up and get ready to learn everything there is to know about chicken coops!

Starting with Chicken Coop Basics

There are several important factors to consider. Let’s dive into the basics and learn some valuable lessons we’ve picked up along the way.

Choosing the right location for your chicken coop

Selecting the perfect location for your chicken coop is crucial. You’ll want to find an area that offers protection from predators, such as raccoons or foxes, while also providing enough space for your flock to roam freely. Consider accessibility for cleaning and maintenance purposes.

Understanding the importance of proper ventilation in your coop

Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining a healthy environment inside the chicken coop. Good airflow helps prevent the buildup of harmful ammonia fumes and moisture, reducing the risk of respiratory issues among your flock. To achieve this, ensure that you have sufficient windows or vents strategically placed throughout the coop.

Selecting the right materials for building a sturdy and predator-proof coop, especially for chicken owners, is crucial. One important feature to consider is the chicken tractor door, which provides easy access for the hens. Additionally, it’s essential to create a secure roost area to keep the chickens safe from predators.

Building a sturdy and predator-proof chicken coop is vital in ensuring the safety of your feathered friends. Opt for durable materials like pressure-treated wood or galvanized steel mesh to withstand weather conditions and keep unwanted visitors at bay. Reinforce vulnerable areas with hardware cloth to prevent predators from gaining access.

Tips for designing a functional and easy-to-clean chicken coop for chicken owners. Ensure there is a designated feeding area and a chicken tractor door for easy access. Don’t forget to include a roost area for the chickens to rest.

Designing a functional and easy-to-clean chicken coop will save you time and effort in the long…

How To Make a Calendula Oil Infusion For Healing Recipe & Benefits


Hello, fellow natural remedy enthusiasts! Today, I’m excited to share my personal experience with an amazing natural product – Calendula oil. This oil, extracted from the beautiful Calendula flower, is a treasure trove of benefits, particularly for skin care.

What is Calendula?

Calendula, often known as pot marigold, encompasses a range of perennial and annual plants. These vibrant flowers, ranging from yellow to orange hues, are not just pleasing to the eye but also hold medicinal properties.

Calendula Oil Infusion

The Extraction Process

To extract Calendula oil, the petals are steeped in a carrier oil, like olive oil. This process infuses the oil with the healing properties of the petals, resulting in a golden orange oil, rich in benefits.

Uses and Benefits

Calendula oil is a versatile product with numerous applications, particularly in skin care. Its soothing and mild nature makes it ideal for treating:

  • Dry or chapped skin
  • Inflammation and bruises
  • Diaper rash in babies
  • Minor cuts, wounds, and skin infections
  • Eczema, psoriasis, and other skin disorders
  • Fungal issues like athlete’s foot
  • Spider and varicose veins, leg ulcers, and chilblains

Table: Calendula Oil Benefits

Benefit Application
Moisturizing Dry, chapped skin
Anti-inflammatory Bruises, swelling
Baby care Diaper rash
Healing Cuts, wounds, skin infections
Skin treatment Eczema, psoriasis
Antifungal Athlete’s foot, ringworm
Vascular health Spider veins, chilblains

Creating Your Own Calendula Oil Infusion


  • Dried Calendula petals
  • Olive oil or another carrier oil


  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Ensure the Calendula petals are completely dry.
  2. Combine: Place the petals in a jar and cover them with the oil.
  3. Infuse: Store the jar in a dark, cool place for several weeks, shaking occasionally.
  4. Strain: After infusion, strain the oil to remove the petals.
  5. Storage: Store the oil in a dark bottle and use it within a year.

Why Include Calendula Oil in Your Routine?

Calendula oil’s gentle yet effective properties make it a must-have in your skincare routine. It’s especially useful for those with sensitive skin or those seeking a natural alternative to commercial skin care products.

Key Takeaways

  • Calendula oil is a natural, gentle, and effective remedy for various skin issues.
  • It’s easy to make at home with just dried petals and a carrier oil.
  • Its diverse applications make it a versatile addition to your skincare arsenal.


I hope my insights and experience with Calendula oil encourage you to try it yourself. It’s a simple, natural way to care for your skin, and making your own infusion can be a rewarding process. Remember, natural remedies like Calendula oil are not just about treating issues; they’re about embracing a healthier, more holistic way of living.