The Road to a Single Fiat World Currency

What if the world’s states were to come together and create a single world currency? From a purely economic point of view, there would be significant advantages if every nation didn’t operate with its own money but with the same currency. Not only for an individual economy, but for the world economy as a whole, the optimal number of currencies is one. Let’s take a look.

The decisive factor is how this single world currency comes about, and who issues it. In a free market for money—in a natural process—a single world currency would emerge from the voluntary agreements of the market participants: the money demanders would decide which commodity they want to use as money. It is impossible to predict with certainty what the outcome of the free choice of currency would be; after all, it resembles a discovery procedure whose outcome is not known in advance. However, it can be assumed that a commodity currency would be created, that gold or possibly a cryptounit would be chosen as the money base.

However, if states monopolize money production, a single world currency cannot develop through voluntary decision-making. In 2023, several national fiat currencies coexist. But this is not a stable equilibrium. Rather, here too, there is a tendency to create a single world currency—because it is optimal for everyone in the world to trade and calculate with the same currency. This is what democratic socialism takes advantage of.

Creating a single world currency is a means to an end for democratic socialism. Its adherents recognize that a single world state cannot be established directly. The national resistance that would have to be overcome is too great. The detour, the indirect way, by which democratic socialism can achieve its goal is by creating a single world currency under state control. The eurozone can serve as a “model” for this process. We’ve seen nations voluntarily give up their monetary sovereignty and accept a single fiat currency that is issued by a supranational central bank. Within the eurozone, money is no longer controlled by individual national parliaments.

The shared euro currency creates major problems in and between the participating countries. But the forced euro marriage has not yet been through the “divorce courts” because of the high costs of a euro exit and also because the democratic socialists fight any attempts to withdraw from the euro with all political means available to them. The problems created by the single currency are increasingly forcing participating countries into communization. As part of the eurozone, some nations must pay for the national debts of others, and the cost of saving ailing banks from collapse is borne by all taxpayers and money users.

All of the problems of imposing one fiat money across many nation-states only became apparent after the euro community was locked into place—the potential problems received little or no attention beforehand. From the outset, it was not economic rationality that inspired the euro, but political endeavors that can be traced back, unsurprisingly, to…

NOW CASTING: Seeking Homesteaders Major Cable Network

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Know Kidding: How to Care for a Rejected Baby Goat

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In my local area, I have noted the number of people who have started gardens (one family even ripped out their entire front lawn) or have small, medium, or even large livestock.  While I do not know if they are doing it as a means to stretch their budget or as a concern of food security, they are making an investment.

I myself have invested in small, medium, and large livestock.  In the winter, I have to take them water and hay.  In the summer, just water.  For the most part, they take care of themselves. 

However, when it comes to breeding for the next generation, sometimes there is more action required.  I have had goats now for about ten years.  For the most part, the does (female goats) do their part, and I just stand out of the way.  But a few does have rejected their kids (baby goats).  It happens. 

While yes, they are little creatures I have a responsibility to care for, they are also investments, and I have a few lessons learned I wish to share with you to ensure your success if you so choose to invest in goats as I have. 

How to warm up a rejected baby goat

When the doe gives birth, she will lick it clean, then stand and allow the kid to take its first feeding from the doe.  

However, if the doe rejects the kid, she will just ignore it.  I have had, on two occasions, gone into the barn for morning feedings to find a cold and wet kid, and the mother more interested in breakfast than her kid.

The first thing is to get the kid into the house, cleaned off, and warm.  Kids cannot maintain their own body heat for the first 24 to 48 hours.  

A quick and easy way to check the temperature is to stick your finger or thumb into their mouth.

  • Warm = good.
  • Cool = bad.
  • Cold = really, really, bad!

The best method I have found for warming them up is to use hot water bottles to keep the kid warm.  Once, in a pinch (we could not find the water bottles), we used two 1.5L wine bottles.  Since then, I keep two water bottles handy as a “just in case.” 

Place the hot water bottles in the bottom of a large enough container like a large laundry basket, a large storage bin, or even a cardboard box.  Then put a thin blanket over the bottles to prevent the kid from burning himself.  I bring the…

151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. & Their Characteristics

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Full of Holes: Federal Law Leaves Americans’ Personal Data Exposed

Today, the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce will hold a hearing on how a federal privacy law would fill gaps to protect Americans’ personal information. 

Infographic depicting sectoral privacy laws in US

Those gaps are massive. There is no comprehensive federal law in the US governing the collection and use of personal data. Instead, some types and uses of data are regulated by sector-specific laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and others, while many types of data are not protected at all. There are three overarching problems with this approach:

  1. A sectoral approach leaves huge gaps in protections that have allowed the expansion of data collection and abuse across many different sectors, most notably online services;
  2. The protections in the existing sectoral laws are actually quite narrow and limited, so even the types of data that are covered by these laws do not have adequate protection – many are based on an outdated notice-and-choice framework;
  3. A sectoral approach leads to confusion by the public about what types of personal data are protected. For example, many people assume that HIPAA covers their health information generally, when in fact most of the health data collected outside of the doctor/patient or insurance relationship is not covered by HIPAA. 

In order to fill some of the gaps left by federal sectoral privacy laws, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has used its authority under the FTC Act, passed in 1914. The FTC’s mandate includes the power to prohibit unfair and deceptive trade practices, including the unfair and deceptive collection, use, or transfer of personal data. The Commission is also responsible for combatting unfair methods of competition and has specific authority to enforce and issue rules under several targeted privacy laws. However, the FTC does not have sufficient regulatory or penalty authorities to address the privacy threats posed by modern internet services. And there are significant limitations in the patchwork of data protection authorities at the FTC’s disposal. For example, the procedures by which the FTC can define unfair and deceptive practices are unnecessarily onerous, and the Commission is limited in its ability to penalize first- time data protection offenders. 

The US needs a comprehensive, coherent approach to privacy and data protection. A recent study from the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) found that the Real-Time Bidding (RTB) market, which is the engine that tracks and shares what people view online and their location in order to drive targeted advertising, alone exposes the average American’s data 747 times per day. This means U.S. Internet users’ online activity and location is being tracked and disclosed 107 trillion times per year. ICCL cited some dangerous examples of the use of this data:

There is no way to restrict the use of RTB data after it is broadcast. Data brokers used it to profile Black Lives…

3 Less Obvious Tools You Need On Your Farm

Everyone knows a farm needs a tractor (or maybe an ATV). And it doesn’t take a tool expert to know that basic hand tools (shovels, rakes, etc.) are practically a prerequisite for living on a farm.

But the list of tools needed to thoroughly flesh out a farm toolbox goes on and on, encompassing many obscure (but no less useful) tools you’re bound to need at one time or another. Sometimes you don’t even realize you need them until you read about them and think, “Oh, that would be useful.”

With this in mind, let me introduce you to three tools that are less obvious than shovels and rakes, but nevertheless abundantly useful in their own underrated ways.

1. Snap Ring Pliers

Snap ring pliers might be the handiest tool you’ve never heard of, at least in very specific circumstances. Snap ring pliers aren’t as versatile as regular pliers, but for two jobs—installing and removing snap rings—they’re lifesavers.

Snap rings are finicky little rings that snap into position and hold things together. For example, the front wheels on my garden tractor are held in place with snap rings. Removing a snap ring requires inserting a pair of small prongs into two small holes, and then widening or narrowing the distance between the prongs to expand or contract the snap ring.

This is where the snap ring pliers come into play, providing and controlling the necessary prongs.

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Installing or removing a snap ring is almost impossible without snap ring pliers. Believe me, I’ve tried. It’s possible you’ve encountered snap rings without realizing there’s a special tool for handling them. So if I’ve opened your mind to the possibilities … you’re welcome.

Enjoy the time you’ll save by handling snap rings with the right tool.

Read more: Snap ring pliers prove the need for the right tool for a job.

2. Bungee Cords

Bungee cords are versatile. And awesome. And I have dozens in various lengths around my farm, because there are so many ways to put these essential farm tools to use.

A typical bungee cord is an elastic band or rope with a hook on either end. Depending on their length, they can hold down tarps, or tie down wagonloads of brush, or keep hay bales from falling off a sled in winter, or bind an elevated garden bed to a fence so it won’t blow over in the wind. I’ve used bungee cords in all these ways and more.

You never know when bungee cords might come in handy, so buy a mixed set of various lengths and keep them around. You might be surprised how often you find yourself using them.

Read more: Consider these 4 features when buying bungee cords.

3. Digging Bar

The definition of a digging bar can be a bit vague, but it’s basically a heavy steel bar measuring 5 to 6 feet long…

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20 Thanksgiving Table Settings And Decor Ideas To WOW Your Guests

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EPIC, Coalition Urge Congress to Eliminate Funding for Failed “Countering Violent Extremism” Program

In a letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, EPIC and a coalition of 40 advocacy groups called on Congress to stop funding DHS’s Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grants Program and to shutter the DHS Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) administering the program. The letter states, “First started in the Obama Administration as countering violent extremism, the TVTP program has a long history of targeting Americans based on religion, mental health, political beliefs, and innocuous behavior. These programs are wasteful, providing no security benefits and actively undermining civil rights, civil liberties, and privacy.”

EPIC works to uncover and roll back harmful surveillance practices. In 2020, EPIC obtained documents through the FOIA on a countering violent extremist meeting held in 2016 where high-ranking intelligence officials pressured tech companies to weaken encrypted messaging. Last year in comments to the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB), EPIC highlighted the bias inherent in the intelligence community’s “racially motivated violent extremism” label which has been used to group together white supremacist groups and racial justice protesters.

I Visited An Amish Farm And This Happened

When stepping foot on an Amish farm for the first time, feeling like you have been instantly transported back to 1800s era America is the most obvious initial impression everyone feels.

If you hail from a rural area, the differences between Amish life and life on your own farm or homestead are a lot less stark.

City folks who have only seen livestock in a petting zoo and have never touched a cow teat with their bare hands are typically in for a far more eye-opening experience.

Wholesome and busy. Those are the first two words that come to mind when describing what you see and feel when spending some time on an Amish farm, no matter where you are from.

The Amish are surely prepper, survival, and homesteading all-starts. Their way of life avidly wreaks of self-reliance and sustainability. They do not need to watch YouTube videos or read blog posts to learn how to do any of the farm chores they accomplish with vigor each day. Instead, those skills are passed down from generation to generation with hands-on training literally beginning around age two.

Related: 7 Amish “Powers” You Should Master Before The Next Crisis

I Visited An Amish Farm And This HappenedA local Amish boy named David was hefting 50-pound bags of horse feed into my truck from his father’s farm business.

He was about 9 at the time and I felt a little bad watching him do all of the heavy lifting. I told him to make sure his dad paid him well for doing such hard work and doing it so quickly.

“This is like his college. David should be paying me for teaching him how to run the business,” his dad yelled out from his farm office while chuckling. Yes, the Amish do have a sense of humor.


The Amish, just like any other group of folks, are not a monolithic community. The “rules” of Amish life when it comes to technology in both simple and advanced forms, are agreed upon by each community and are not a rigid set of rules all Amish in America must follow. The rules can change over time by agreement by the community members.

For example, I once asked Ezra, my Amish farrier, if he knew if the Amish greenhouse in a neighboring village just across our county line was open for the season yet.

“I have no idea. Those are wild Amish, we do not associate with them at all.” Ezra replied.

I was of course curious and simply had to know what constituted “wild Amish.”

I Visited An Amish Farm And This Happened

By and large, Amish are open to questions about their way of life when asked respectfully and out of genuine curiosity and not judgment.

So I asked.

“They ride bicycles. Even the women,” was Ezra’s response.

Yes, I laughed at his answer. I simply could not help myself. Doing…

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Revenant Survival Guide | How To Survive Like A Leo

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