Roadkill Cuisine – Eating Roadkill When Nothing Else Is Available

There are plenty of good reasons to pick up roadkill from the streets whenever possible. From a moral standpoint, it’s just not right to let an animal die for no reason and leave it to decay on the road when there are people in our country going hungry every night.

Looking at it economically, it can save you a lot of money to add roadkill meat to your diet alongside store-bought meat. It’s also a chance to overcome any food aversions you might have and try out some wild game you wouldn’t have had the chance to taste otherwise.

In any case, eating roadkill isn’t as taboo as some people in society make it out to be. Remember what your mother used to say, “Try it; you might like it!” Harvesting roadkill generally involves four steps: finding the roadkill, checking if it’s safe to eat, processing the meat by removing the skin, organs, and guts, and finally, cooking it right away or freezing it for later use.

Locating your next meal

Finding roadkill in America is actually quite easy. It’s a sad reality that each year, a staggering number of animals, approximately 360 million according to various Humane Society estimates, are killed by vehicles on the extensive network of highways and roads in the country. Another report from the Federal Highway Administration in 2008 estimated that one to two million large animals meet their end on our roads annually. These numbers highlight the significant impact of road accidents on wildlife.

As you travel, if you remain observant, you won’t have to search far to come across an animal that has lost its life on or near a roadway. Unfortunately, the issue of roadkill is prevalent and has an impact on various species throughout the country. It’s not uncommon to encounter small mammals, birds, reptiles, and even larger animals like deer and other wildlife that have fallen victim to vehicle collisions.

Given the frequency of roadkill incidents, it becomes apparent why the idea of harvesting roadkill for consumption has gained some attention. While the thought of eating roadkill may initially seem unappealing to many, it’s essential to consider the potential benefits of using this meat resourcefully and ethically.

It’s worth noting that while roadkill can provide a source of meat, there are certain precautions and guidelines to follow to ensure the meat is safe for consumption. Proper inspection and handling of roadkill are essential to avoid potential health risks.

Inspecting the soon to be meal

inspecting the soon to be meal

When finding roadkill, above all else, trust your instincts. Humans have a natural ability to discern whether food is safe to eat or not. Whether it’s the appearance, smell, or taste, you’ll know when something is off.

Think about encountering a decaying animal carcass while driving or walking—without any expert guidance, you instinctively understand that the meat on that animal has turned bad. We’ve all experienced opening…

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Why Is My Laptop Slow? (And How To Fix It On A Budget)

Why Is My Laptop Slow? (And How To Fix It On A Budget) tallest) { tallest = thisHeight; } }); group.height(tallest); } equalHeight($(“.dg-grid-shortcode .dg_grid-shortcode-col”)); $(window).resize(function() { equalHeight($(“.dg-grid-shortcode .dg_grid-shortcode-col”)); }); }); ]]> Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination. ]]>

EPIC Commends FTC’s Vitagene Genetic and Health Data Settlement

In comments to the Federal Trade Commission, EPIC commended the FTC for taking enforcement action against direct-to-consumer genetic testing company Vitagene for unfair and deceptive trade practices involving genetic and health information. Vitagene misrepresented the company’s data security and privacy practices and put sensitive consumer information at risk by storing Health Reports in publicly accessible Amazon S3 Datastore buckets for nearly two years.

EPIC urged the FTC to approve the proposed consent order and praised the definition of “Covered Incident” in the order because it includes situations in which consumer health information is “reasonably believed to have been” accessed or exposed publicly without authorization. EPIC encouraged the Commission to build on this concept of a cybersecurity incident in future Section 5 enforcement and through the Health Breach Notification Act, as it “reflects the understanding that cybersecurity enforcement should prevent data from being stored insecurely in the first place, not just retroactively address security breaches.”

EPIC regularly files comments in response to proposed FTC consent orders and complaints regarding business practices that violate privacy rights. Additionally, EPIC has long advocated for health privacy safeguards. Recently, EPIC published an analysis of how a data minimization-focused commercial surveillance rule would shape the FTC’s health data privacy authority.

Cost-Saving Tips For Keeping Chickens & Your Cash

Though you can scrimp on chicken-care costs, some things are non-negotiable, including safe housing, protection from predators and access to adequate nutrition and hydration. While each of these is a requirement for quality chicken care, a bit of ingenuity and a “give it a try” attitude can help keep your costs down when keeping chickens. 

Reimagine a Chicken Coop

Chicken housing has few requirements other than it be sturdy, safe, spacious (a rule of thumb for standard-sized chickens is 3- to 5-square-feet of space per bird) and well ventilated.

After that, all bets are off! 

Look at what you may already own: Kids’ playhouses (plastic or wood), potting sheds, old corn cribs and even lean-tos can be modified into a safe haven for your feathered friends.

If nothing springs to mind, don’t fret: If you’re on a farm of any size, there’s most likely materials that can be cobbled together into a stellar chicken abode. Pallets, salvaged lumber, old cabinets and more (even trampolines, satellite dishes and old cars!) have all been successfully made into chicken coops. 

If you don’t have any building materials lying around, plan a trip to a local construction surplus store (such as Habitat for Humanity ReStores) to look for building materials you can repurpose. And don’t stop at the frame! Your coop can be an extension of your home, put your decorating stamp on it.

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If you want to build something from the ground up, find free plans online and spend some time on Facebook Marketplace or sifting through garage-sale finds to create your dream coop on the cheap. chicken keeping chickensoranguta007/Adobe Stock

Grow a Garden for Supplemental Nutrition 

Quality feed can be one of the most expensive, ongoing costs of chicken care. Though not something to scrimp on, you can stretch your feed-bill budget. If you already plant a garden, consider adding (or planting more of) some chicken-friendly options, including:

  • beets
  • carrots
  • chard
  • cucumbers
  • kale
  • lettuce
  • melons
  • peas
  • parsnip
  • pumpkins
  • radishes
  • spinach
  • squash
  • sweet potatoes
  • tomatoes
  • turnips

Here’s a bonus: Hens that eat dark, leafy veggies lay eggs with richer yolks!

If you don’t have room for a full-fledged garden, consider an herb garden: Chickens love basil, cilantro, dill, lavender, mint, oregano, parsley, sage, tarragon and thyme.

An added nutritional boost can come from the garden. While you’re weeding, thinning and watering, pick off Japanese beetles and June bugs, throw them in a bucket of water and then give them to your flock as a tasty treat. 

Consider making your own chicken treats, too, using grains, suet and lard. If you’re the more-adventurous type, try raising your own grubs or meal worms. 

Free-Range Your Flock

Free-ranging your flock offers a plethora of nutritional options while encouraging the natural foraging and feeding behaviors. Chickens will nibble weeds and grass, as well as insects, lizards and mice. They’re especially helpful in pastures where…

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Using freshwater lakes for drinking water

freshwater lakes for drinking water

Access to healthy and readily available drinking water for consumption is an essential human need that can’t be overlooked under any circumstance.

A proper and consistent supply of consumable water is paramount when it comes to ensuring public health and improvement. Freshwater drawn from natural waterbodies such as lakes provides a pragmatic solution to the problem of clean water supply.

This article explores the blessings and demanding situations of the usage of freshwater lakes as a feasible water source and the importance of utilizing them correctly.

The Abundance of Freshwater Lakes

Freshwater lakes are considerable herbal resources that can be easily found in numerous areas around the world. Some places have a greater abundance of these water sources than others, but they are more or less found in all countries and continents.

These massive bodies of water can store sizeable portions of freshwater and act as reservoirs, serving as dependable resources for drinking water.

By tapping into these natural reservoirs, large masses of people can get access to sufficient healthy water without depleting underground reserves of water or relying entirely on rainfall.

In order to draw out the water from these lakes, you can use pumps such as these to easily make the water available for purification and drinking.

Watеr Quality Considеrations

As the worldwide population continues to develop, the demand for freshwater will proportionally increase. However, it is important to remember that even though frеshwatеr lakеs can bе еxcеllеnt sourcеs of drinking watеr,  еnsuring thе watеr’s quality is of unparalleled importance.

Lakеs arе vulnеrablе to pollution from various sourcеs,  such as agricultural runoff, industrial dischargеs, and sеwagе еffluеnts. Thеrеforе,  comprеhеnsivе monitoring and watеr trеatmеnt procеssеs arе еssеntial to maintain safе watеr quality standards.

Watеr trеatmеnt plants еquippеd with advancеd filtration and purification systеms can еffеctivеly rеmovе contaminants and makе thе watеr safе for consumption. To maintain freshwater quality for drinking, rigorous testing and continuous monitoring are essential. This involves:

  • Water Sampling: Regular collection of water samples from various sources to analyze their physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics.
  • Laboratory Analysis: Thorough testing in accredited laboratories to identify potential contaminants and assess water quality against established standards.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Utilization of advanced technologies for continuous real-time monitoring of water quality parameters, enabling timely response to any deviations from safe standards.

Maintaining the water quality of freshwater lakes is vital for environmental conservation and human health.

Adequate investment in water treatment infrastructure and technologies ensures that the extracted water meets safety and quality standards before being supplied for drinking purposes.

Thе Rolе of Watеrshеd Managеmеnt

To safеguard thе watеr quality of frеshwatеr lakеs, propеr watеrshеd managеmеnt is critical. A watеrshеd is thе arеa of land that drains into a particular lakе or rivеr.

By implеmеnting sustainablе practices within thе watеrshеd, such as rеsponsiblе agriculturе,  afforеstation,  and еrosion control, thе risk of pollutants еntеring thе lakе can bе minimizеd.

Additionally,  crеating buffеr zonеs around lakеs can furthеr protеct thеm from harmful human activities.

Rеsponsiblе land usе planning plays a pivotal role in watеrshеd managеmеnt. It еntails assеssing thе suitability of diffеrеnt arеas…

FedNow Isn’t a CBDC, but It Is Dangerous

Starting in July, the Federal Reserve will be rolling out a new payment service dubbed “FedNow.” Among many on the dissident side of politics, there is a growing worry that this new service may be a trojan horse for a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

The concern is a valid one. A CBDC, depending on how it is implemented, could eliminate the privacy allowed by a cash system, allow the freezing of accounts with greater ease, and open the door to social credit scores for individuals. One asks, is the fear of FedNow truly justified? Or is it a risk for another reason?

To analyze whether FedNow is a trojan horse for a CBDC, one must first understand what a CBDC would be in function. A CBDC, as defined by the Federal Reserve itself, would be “money that is a liability of the central bank.” In essence, a CBDC would be a digital dollar with accounts held at the Federal Reserve itself, similar to what the Federal Reserve offers to banks today. Jerome Powell, the Federal Reserve chairman, has dubbed this a “wholesale” CBDC and stated on numerous occasions that such a currency could only be made so by an act of Congress. Legally, individuals cannot have accounts at the Federal Reserve. Changes to this must be made by Congress, to which Powell has not offered an opinion.

Powell is not the only policy maker at the Federal Reserve to express concern or show dismissal toward possible benefits of a CBDC. Federal Reserve governor Michelle Bowman did as much during a speech to Georgetown University in April 2023. Bowman discussed the listed benefits of a CBDC, including possible speeding up of the financial system and the inclusion of more Americans in the banking system. She, however, dismissed all of these. She touted the benefits of FedNow in speeding up interbank transactions but expressed the fears many hold as to the politicization of a possible CBDC. Powell has also dismissed a CBDC on similar lines, stating to the House Financial Services Committee, “We’ll have real-time payments in this country very, very soon” (this being a reference to CBDC’s being proposed as a solution to transaction speeds).

On the possible smoothing of the payment system, Bowman touted FedNow as a solution that would make a CBDC unnecessary. On the subject of including more Americans in the banking system, she noted the skepticism that many hold toward banks. She posited that a CBDC would solve that issue in no way, shape, or form. Among key players on the Federal Reserve Board there is clear opposition to CBDCs.

But to address the elephant: FedNow. Is FedNow a central bank digital currency trojan horse? Short answer: no. Long answer: FedNow is a new settlement system for member banks of the Federal Reserve System. Historically accounts have been settled physically by vehicles moving money between banks at the end of business days. Today it is primarily done by the system known as…

34 Backyard Fire Pit Ideas and Designs To Try

34 Backyard Fire Pit Ideas and Designs To Try | Homesteading tallest) { tallest = thisHeight; } }); group.height(tallest); } equalHeight($(“.dg-grid-shortcode .dg_grid-shortcode-col”)); $(window).resize(function() { equalHeight($(“.dg-grid-shortcode .dg_grid-shortcode-col”)); }); }); ]]> Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination. ]]>

EPIC, Coalition Oppose Overbroad Counter-Drone Bill

EPIC and a coalition of human rights, civil liberties, and civil rights organizations have come out in opposition to S.1631, The Safeguarding the Homeland from the Threats Posed by Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act. The bill would expand the governments counter-drone authority. In a letter to the Senate Homeland an Security and Government Affairs and Judiciary Committees the coalition argued “the bill provides overbroad authority for takedowns, inadequately protects First Amendment and press activities, does not include due process protections for improper counter-drone activities, and lacks basic transparency rules to facilitate responsible use.” The coalition urged Congress to only pass counter-drone authority legislation that has proper safeguards in place to protect privacy, human rights, civil rights, and civil liberties. EPIC has previously opposed granting the government overbroad counter-drone authorities.

Top 9 Hunting Slingshots: Unleash Your Shooting Skills!

Hunting slingshots, also known as slingshot hunting or catapult hunting, are handheld devices used for hunting and recreational shooting. They consist of a Y-shaped frame made of wood, metal, or high-strength plastic. Attached to the forks of the frame is a strong elastic band or rubber tubing, known as the “bands” or “bands set.” The bands are used to propel projectiles, typically steel balls, marbles, or pellets.

Hunting slingshots are lightweight, compact, and easily portable, making them a popular choice for hunters seeking a stealthy and silent alternative to traditional hunting tools like firearms or bows. They offer a combination of precision and power, allowing hunters to take down small games with well-aimed shots.

Usage of Hunting Slingshots

Hunting slingshots are versatile and efficient tools used for various purposes in outdoor pursuits. Their usage extends beyond hunting, making them popular among outdoor enthusiasts and recreational shooters.

Hunting slingshots are tools that people use to hunt small birds and animals. They are good at aiming accurately and are very quiet, which helps hunters target small animals without scaring away other wildlife. Some of the birds that hunters can hunt with slingshots are pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and small waterfowl.

As for animals, slingshots are effective for hunting rabbits, squirrels, small rodents, and even frogs. Hunters must be careful and follow the rules of hunting in their area to ensure they hunt responsibly and ethically. It is important to know that slingshots are not suitable for hunting bigger or protected animals, and hunters should always obey wildlife protection laws to protect the natural environment.

Here are the key usages of hunting slingshots:

  1. Hunting: Hunting slingshots are primarily designed for small game hunting. With their powerful bands and accurate shots, hunters can take down birds, rabbits, squirrels, and other small animals. Their silent operation makes them ideal for stealthy hunting, allowing hunters to get closer to their prey without alerting them.
  2. Recreational Shooting: Apart from hunting, slingshots are popular for recreational shooting and target practice. Many enthusiasts enjoy honing their shooting skills by aiming at targets, cans, or other objects. It provides an engaging and enjoyable activity for individuals of all ages.
  3. Survival and Bushcraft: In survival situations, hunting slingshots can be invaluable for procuring small games for food. They are lightweight and easy to carry, making them a practical tool for survivalists and bushcraft practitioners in the wilderness.
  4. Pest Control: Hunting slingshots are effective for pest control around gardens and farms. They can be used to scare away birds or small animals that may cause damage to crops or property.
  5. Camping and Outdoor Adventures: Slingshots can add fun and excitement to camping trips and outdoor adventures. They provide an entertaining way to pass the time and engage in friendly shooting competitions among friends or family.
  6. Self-Defense (Caution required): While not their primary purpose, some people may use slingshots for self-defense in emergencies. However, it is important to note that…

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Candy Cane Ideas And Recipes You’ll Love

Candy Cane Ideas And Recipes You’ll Love | Homesteading tallest) { tallest = thisHeight; } }); group.height(tallest); } equalHeight($(“.dg-grid-shortcode .dg_grid-shortcode-col”)); $(window).resize(function() { equalHeight($(“.dg-grid-shortcode .dg_grid-shortcode-col”)); }); }); ]]> Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination. ]]>