Goats or Sheep for Homestead? Here’s How to Choose

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Choosing the right live stock is one of the first steps of creating a proper homestead. Choosing between goats and sheep can be most confusing as their differences might not be that apparent to inexperienced eyes.  So, if you are struggling to choosebetweengoats or sheep for homestead then this article may give you some closure. 

If you have to choose just one, goats are the better option for your homestead. Sheep and goats are both important assets to have on any homestead, but the choice between them often depends upon your preferences. Sheep can be difficult work with at times because they tend to be flighty creatures who don’t like being held or touched by humans; this isn’t such a problem for farmers that simply want wool from their flock. Goats, as intelligent animals, will require more of an effort when it comes to training them than sheep do – however in return you’ll receive meat (sometimes), milk production if bred correctly during mating season has passed, mohair which is valuable textile fiber used for making fabric** and other textiles****.

If you want to make an informed decision, you can find more details if you just keep reading.

Goats vs. Sheep – Which Is Better for Homesteading?

Whichever option you choose, it’s going to benefit you ultimately. But it also depends on the facilities you have at your homestead and the efforts you’re willing to invest. 

Sheep are perfect for small homesteads in the rural area. They’re straightforward to deal with besides being smart and intelligent. Moreover, they suffer from fewer illnesses compared to goats. They’re relatively more docile than goats, who happen to be the king of troublemakers. 

Besides, sheep will always eat grass as they are grazers. Goats will also turn to grass, but not with the consistency of sheep. They will also prefer to eat shrubs, twigs, and other leafy greens. You won’t be successful trying to keep them off of anything in their line of sight. Fortunately, that also includes weeds!

Sheep, on the other hand, will mostly eat grass except for areas on which they relieve themselves. 

You will hardly find a day without commotion with goats around. They make incredible companions and care a lot for their owners. However, they are a master of the art of escaping and try to jump over your fence. So, you’ll also have to keep fencing costs in mind if you choose to get goats for your homestead. 

With sheep you have to keep their wool sheered in the summer to keep them from overheating. But goats can’t stand wet places, so you’ll need special shelters for these animals too. Sheep are typically scared of new people and environments, due to this fact they don’t like being held or restrained either.

So, you’ll find better comfort in handling goats in this situation. That includes vaccination, deworming, and trimming the nails. Plus, the dairy products and meat of goats are healthy and have a lot…

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Sustainable on-Farm Storage Systems

On-farm storage systems hold the grains, fruits and vegetables farmers work tirelessly to satisfy consumers’ demands. However, they have exceeded the yields for grain and corn these past few years, and current storage options have not been able to keep up.

This has caused tons of produce and animal feed to rot. The food industry already contributes a considerable amount of waste to landfills that has accelerated climate change, and this adds to it  Food waste is a massive problem in the United States, so farmers are seeking other ways to store what they harvest in an environmentally friendly way.

Here are some sustainable on-farm storage systems that save food from being wasted and limit energy use.

Grain Drums

Grain drums made from steel are one of the most sustainable on-farm storage options. Steel is a highly durable material that can withstand any weather and keep moisture out of the grains. Additionally, they are often made of recycled materials.

Steel drums can be built to take up space vertically rather than horizontally, which saves you real estate that can be used for more planting or livestock pastures. They can store grain for a long time, so it won’t spoil and go to waste as quickly as it would in plastic drums or containers.

Investing in a steel drum will provide you with years of use. If it breaks, you can fix it rather than have the entire structure replaced. Also, having on-site storage allows for continued harvest, which reduces the amount of grain that goes to waste from harvesting too late.

Solar Dryers

Farms have benefitted from solar energy for some time now. Farmers install solar panels to save money on electricity for their farms, and this power can also be used to improve storage systems.

Rather than letting the air and sun dry fruits and vegetables, dryers filter the harmful ultraviolet rays that can damage produce and reduce nutritional value. Additionally, the process is sped up because the dryer’s temperature is much higher than what’s outside.

Solar energy is free and can be reused repeatedly by farmers, and the dryers allow them to produce more fruits and vegetables. The dryers only hold crops for a short period to let them completely dry. However, less food goes to waste this way, making it a sustainable option.

Root Cellars

This sustainable on-farm storage system keeps root vegetables fresh. It’s an old farming practice that aligns with modern sustainability. Root cellars keep produce at a lower temperature and away from the shade to prevent spoiling. They use the earth’s natural temperature below the ground, so there’s no need for electricity.

Additionally, root cellars don’t take up much space because they are built either below the ground or on the side of a hill. No above-ground structures take up valuable farmland. These would be great for farmers who grow smaller crops or produce for a local community rather than large-scale operations.

Before creating a root cellar, consider…

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6 Tips For Planning And Building A Garden

Have you ever dreamt of creating a garden that will be the envy of your neighbors?  The gardens that look easy to maneuver, but hold studding plants are the best to have. These types of gardens are the easiest to maintain and build around as they consist of elements that actually accentuate the surrounding environment and work well with each other. Landscape artists even prefer these types of gardens as they’re simple and accessible. 

 Planning And Building A Garden

You can build one, too, with a little help from this article. Here are some tips to help you start your own garden:

1. Use A Topsoil

The first thing you need to know is that topsoil is different from garden soil. This is the first mistake some beginners make when starting their own gardens. Different types of soil provide different benefits. 

Topsoil should be your soil of choice since it provides a wider form of use. It’s usually credited to providing great airflow that most plants need. 

Garden soil is simply nutrient-enriched topsoil, strengthened with compost. A garden soil has a more intentional use as it provides nutrients for plants for many years. This type of soil tends to be worth its high price.

The keyword is decent as not all topsoil is best for your plant. However, it will be safe to assume most stores, like Missouri Organic Recycling, will sell you the best topsoil. If you want additional information, it pays to research the topsoil you’re about to use. 

You want a topsoil that doesn’t have too much sand and clay mixed with it. Also, topsoil comes at a relatively lower price than garden soil, perfect for someone just starting out. Don’t forget to use a tactical shovel for digging, moving and spreading topsoil. It will save a ton of your gardening time.

2.Site Selection

Where your garden will be located will determine the success of this project. Here are some tips to ensure your garden thrives:

  • Plant close to your water source: This will help you in the long run since heat waves and dry seasons have become normal occurrences in some parts of the world. Having it close to a water source reduces the work you’d need to do to keep your plants healthy.
  • Decent sunlight: Plants need sunlight in order for them to grow as it’s an essential part of photosynthesis. You should choose areas that don’t get too much shade and are given lots of sunlight. 
  • Leveled and loose soiled area: This type of area actually provides decent drainage for your plants and prevents water from gathering. Plants tend to die out or simply not grow if the area you chose accumulates water over time. This is why all plant pots have holes at the bottom.


3. Choosing A Plot Size

The best option is for you to start small. Don’t overwhelm yourself with a large plot to…

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Why a Houseboat is Ideal for an Adult Getaway

Adulting is hard — that’s why it is important for adults to book vacations to get away from it all. Sometimes, a group of friends wants to reconnect and live like they did in the old days. Other times, a couple wants to spark the flames of passion once again. For all types of adult travelers, a houseboat vacation is the perfect option.

Here’s why you should book a houseboat for your next adults-only trip:

Houseboating Combines Unique Accommodations with Authentic Adventure

When you book a trip on a houseboat, the journey and the accommodations are one in the same. You get to enjoy the amenities of your houseboat with your entire travel party, all while traversing across the lake to see new sights and explore the region around you. Houseboating is an experience — one that is different from any other type of travel.

Houseboating is an Affordable Way to Travel

For many adults, a vacation is a luxury and budget can quickly become an issue. Luckily, houseboating is an affordable way to travel. All members of your travel party can split the cost of the boat rental. In addition, there’s plenty of opportunity to save more money by bringing your own food on board, sharing meals and choosing free or low-cost excursions during your trip.

Houseboating Allows Travelers to Relax and Reconnect with One Another

Many times, adults just need time to slow down, have conversation and enjoy the view. Luckily, houseboating makes it easy to enjoy all of those things throughout the duration of your entire vacation. Imagine yourself surrounded by your friends or the people you love, and all you have to do is sip your favorite beverage, talk about the good old days and enjoy the 360-degree waterfront views.

With marinas in Arizona, California and Nevada, Forever Houseboats

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The accidental homesteader – Backwoods Home Magazine

By Terry Hooker

Everyone who homesteads has hit that point where they decide to be more self sufficient. Sometimes it’s from life circumstances and sometimes it’s a conscious choice. For me the moment came after my husband left me and I lost my job. I had a four-year-old and was hanging on to the house by the skin of my teeth. My neighbor was aware of my circumstances and after long days of job hunting or picking up substitute teaching jobs, I would come home to find fresh eggs or vegetables left on my doorstep. Yes, I was grateful, but I also knew then that I really needed to be able to grow my own food.

Even though eggs and the meat from chickens provide a lot of food, I was not ready for chickens even though that seems to be where a lot of people start. I didn’t think I could afford the chicken food since I couldn’t really afford food for us. I was also concerned about where to keep them. I have a small barn on the property but I was not ready to convert it to a chicken coop. Then there are the predators. We are located in a rural area between two large nature preserves. We hear the bull alligators call at mating season, have seen large bobcats as well as panthers. Coyotes roam the cattle fields close by and there are black bears in the woods. No, I was not ready for chickens, even though the fresh eggs from the neighbor were feeding us.

A garden

I decided to start with a small 5×5 garden bed. I was so proud of building my first raised bed. I painted the boards purple and started to plant. But the soil here is sand. I mean sand! We call it sugar sand because it looks just like sugar. So that was one problem. The second problem was that I grew up in the Northeast where I learned to garden, but I am now in Central Florida. Big difference in planting seasons! My garden was not successful at all. Nothing grew, not even weeds.

So I started to watch my neighbor since she was born and raised in the area. She brought in soil and composted the chicken manure. She planted year round and made sure to water regularly and use pest control. Also if the seed packet said the plants needed full sun, she often put them in partial sun. I got up the nerve to ask her for help and she taught me how to grow a garden in Florida. She taught me how to find plants that would grow in our climate and soil. She read every seed packet to see if they would grow here and would only buy plants from local nurseries, none from the large box stores. I followed her example and the next planting season I had a beautiful garden. Many of the plants I grew that first year were not…

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The Ecological Gardener Explores A New Kind Of Gardening

Title: The Ecological Gardener: How to Create Beauty and Biodiversity from the Soil UpAuthor: Matt Rees-Warren

Cover Price: $24.95

Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing The Ecological Gardener coverChelsea Green

For home gardeners interested in making their growing practices more regenerative, The Ecological Gardener promises to be an indispensable resource. Although there are now numerous books on the market about regenerative practices for small-scale farmers, most of them describe machinery or techniques that can’t be scaled down to fit a home garden. 

The Ecological Gardener fills this void.  

Gardens & the Natural World

Unlike most gardening books I’ve read, The Ecological Gardner doesn’t deal much with planting dates, seeding strategies or pest mitigation. Rather, the essence of the book is about integrating gardens into the natural world that surrounds them. 

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Throughout the book Rees-Warren argues that making your garden part of the local landscape is a kind of win-win. Improving habitat within your garden helps local mammals, birds and pollinators. And in turn, your garden becomes more diverse, resilient and healthy. 

Rees-Warren provides numerous examples of what this integration can look like, including inviting wildlife into the garden, turning lawns into wildflower gardens and planting as many native species as possible. 

(A quick note to U.S. readers: Rees-Warren is British, so many of the species he mentions are particular to the U.K. The same principles obviously apply anywhere, though).

Read more: You can use ecosystem design principles to improve your garden.

A New Kind of Garden

In many ways, Rees-Warren is advocating for a kind of new understanding of what a garden is. As he observes at one point, many public gardens and parks contain few (if any) native species. 

With the average home gardener drawing inspiration from these places, it’s no wonder that so many gardens contain no native species.  

According to Rees-Warren, however, a garden should be more than a collection of plants with no connection to the natural world that surrounds it. Rather, by blending the garden with the local landscape, both can be strengthened. 

To this end, Rees-Warren advocates for a redefinition of what weeds are. Invasive plants should be treated as weeds, and native plants should be seen as wildflowers.

A Practical Guide

Although The Ecological Gardener does spend time considering philosophical questions about things like the nature of gardening, it is also deeply practical. Throughout the book there are numerous one- or two-page instructionals on how to perform various practical tasks like taking a soil test or laying a hedgerow. These instructions are simple and concise, providing new gardeners with a valuable blueprint to follow. 

The “Soil” chapter of the book is especially laden with helpful advice, including instructions on how to set up a bokashi bin, brew compost tea and make biochar.

In short, The Ecological Gardener is equal parts philosophical treatise and how-to manual. And these two elements work well together to…

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1868: U.S. Senate votes against impeaching President Andrew Johnson

On this day in 1868, the U.S. Senate votes against impeaching President Andrew Johnson and acquits him of committing “high crimes and misdemeanors.” In February 1868, the House of Representatives charged Johnson with 11 articles of impeachment for vague “high crimes and misdemeanors”. (For comparison, in 1998, President Bill Clinton was charged with two articles of impeachment for obstruction of justice during an investigation into his inappropriate sexual behavior in the White House Oval Office. In 1974, Nixon faced three charges for his involvement in the Watergate scandal.) The main issue in Johnson’s trial was his staunch resistance to implementing Congress’ Civil War Reconstruction policies. The War Department was the federal agency responsible for carrying out Reconstruction programs in the war-ravaged southern states, and when Johnson fired the agency’s head, Edwin Stanton, Congress retaliated with calls for his impeachment. In more recent years the Democrat leadership of the U.S. Senate has used impeachment for political grandstanding, forcing votes even when they have no chance of a successful conviction.

SurvivalBlog Writing Contest

Today we present another entry for Round 94 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include:

First Prize:

  1. The photovoltaic power specialists at Quantum Harvest LLC  are providing a store-wide 10% off coupon. Depending on the model chosen, this could be worth more than $2000.
  2. A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate. This can be used for any of their one, two, or three-day course (a $1,095 value),
  3. A course certificate from onPoint Tactical for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses, excluding those restricted for military or government teams. Three-day onPoint courses normally cost $795,
  4. DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper. These have hammer forged, chrome-lined barrels and a hard case, to go with your own AR lower. It will allow any standard AR-type rifle to have a quick change barrel. This can be assembled in less than one minute without the use of any tools. It also provides a compact carry capability in a hard case or in 3-day pack (a $1,100 value),
  5. Two cases of Mountain House freeze-dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value),
  6. A $250 gift certificate good for any product from Sunflower Ammo,
  7. American Gunsmithing Institute (AGI) is providing a $300 certificate good towards any of their DVD training courses.

Second Prize:

  1. A Front Sight Lifetime Diamond Membership, providing lifetime free training at any Front Sight Nevada course, with no limit on repeating classes. This prize is courtesy of a SurvivalBlog reader who prefers to be anonymous.
  2. A Glock form factor SIRT laser training pistol and a SIRT AR-15/M4 Laser Training Bolt, courtesy of Next Level Training, that have a combined retail value of $589,
  3. Two 1,000-foot spools of full mil-spec U.S.-made 750 paracord (in-stock colors only) from www.TOUGHGRID.com (a $240 value).
  4. An Israeli…

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10 Tips for Developing a Permaculture Orchard

There’s no better time than now to start developing your plans for a permaculture orchard. They are perfect if you want to make money with less work than a traditional farm and live sustainably.

Permaculture orchards take some work initially, but the reward is a piece of land filled with a variety of trees, shrubs, smaller plants, and animals that work harmoniously to bring in revenue. The goal is to mimic a natural ecosystem within the orchard to maintain an eco-friendly and profitable environment.

You don’t need a large plot of land to develop a permaculture orchard — all you need is the right mixture of organisms.

Here are 10 tips for developing a permaculture orchard.

1. Choose a Good Location

As with any planting, you want to choose a good location. Make sure it’s a place that is easily accessible, gets ample sunlight, avoids erosion, and can handle a variety of foliage.

You’ll likely be visiting your orchard often for tasks like pruning and watering, so ensure you have all the resources you need to develop it in that locale.

2. Plant the Right Size

It’s vital to consider the size of your orchard before you begin planting. If you have limited space, you can only grow certain types of trees, shrubbery, and vegetables that will fit and not get crowded.

Additionally, only plant what you can manage. Not having enough help to take care of your trees will result in a loss of money and plants.

3. Amend Your Soil

The key to productive trees is healthy soil. Before you begin planting, check the soil quality, and take necessary measures to improve and strengthen it to prevent erosion.

When choosing an amendment, decide on the soil type you have and add organic materials to boost the soil’s ability to retain moisture, improve structural integrity, or allow for better drainage.

4. Have a Variety

Variety adds biodiversity, which in turn creates the natural environment that is necessary for a permaculture orchard. Some trees need a pollinator to produce fruit, while others are self-pollinating.

Having a variety of trees and other vegetation brings in more money since you’ll be able to sell additional items. For the best results, make sure that whatever you plant can thrive in your climate.

5. Add Vegetables and Nitrogen-Fixing Plants

Perennial vegetables come in many forms, and it should be relatively easy to find one or more that successfully grow in your region.

Nitrogen-fixing plants are another great additive. They help keep your soil rich year after year, making it sustainable. Trees and crops depend on nitrogen to grow to their full potential.

6. Attract Beneficial Insects

You’ll likely attract insects with a permaculture garden — so plant vegetation that draws beneficial ones. Pollination is essential for any crop to grow, so insects that do the work for you make it thrive.

Nectar-rich plants are always a good option, but herbs and other profitable plants work as well.


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Regenerative Practices for Animal Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture has made its way into mainstream farming practices. While regenerative farming focuses primarily on crop practices, there are plenty of ways to integrate it into animal agriculture.

The practice of regenerative farming focuses on rebuilding the health of the soil to reverse climate change or at least slow it down. Additionally, it adds biodiversity back into the ground. This both sequesters carbon and improves the water cycle.

Primary practices within regenerative agriculture include minimizing tillage, planting cover crops, adding nutrients back into the soil, and managing livestock grazing. Therefore, it seems like utilizing animals for regenerative agriculture is only one part of land stewardship.

However, multiple other practices involve animals in restoring soil health and capturing carbon. Here are regenerative practices for animal agriculture that you can implement on your farm.

1. Control the Grazing

One of the most well-known methods of regenerative agriculture is managed grazing. Before livestock was domesticated and bred on an industrial scale, wild herbivores would naturally move across land to graze. There were no fenced-in areas to keep livestock in one space. This would give prairies and grasslands time to restore before another herd of animals would pass through.

Conventional grazing practices today don’t allow the land to regenerate. Herds are confined to a certain amount of space. Over time, the ground beneath them depletes, and it can be challenging for new grasses or plants to grow again.

However, controlled grazing solves that issue. Controlled grazing mimics the wild animals that would continuously move from field to field. Livestock only stays in one area for a short time before they’re forced to the next, allowing the field to recover.

Since plants can regenerate, they’re able to fully mature again, which more effectively sequesters carbon. Plus, the soil remains healthy and is less prone to erosion.

2. Use Animal Waste for Fertilizer

While this is an apparent regenerative practice, it shouldn’t go without some explanation. Manure produced by livestock provides one of the best natural fertilizers for plants, trees, and the soil. This benefits vegetation and is a regenerative practice for animal agriculture.

Animals naturally roam fields and the farm. Rather than ordering manure or other fertilizers for your plants and trees, strategically let livestock in your fields and orchards. As they graze, they’ll leave behind a safe and natural fertilizer.

If you use this fertilization method, ensure you’re providing your animals with the right foods so when they drop manure, it’s safe for the plants and further human consumption of fruits or vegetables. Animal waste should never come in contact with produce that’s ready to harvest either.

Using animal manure that’s already on your land eliminates the need to produce chemical fertilizers, and zero carbon emissions will be released through transportation of those fertilizers or other waste. Both reach the goal of reducing and sequestering carbon in regenerative agriculture.

3. Feed Livestock the Right Food

When fed with nutrient-rich food, your livestock and the environment will benefit. Not all cattle, horses, goats, or…

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Simple Ways to Reduce your Daily Waste

Each year tons of trash get dumped into the ocean or pile up in the landfills. We all saw the negative impact this has on the environment, animals, and humans. Even though it looks like a tragedy, simple acts of love from every individual towards nature will RESONATE. This doesn’t mean to go into a ZERO WASTE lifestyle all at once; after all we all started somewhere. So here are some easy breezy ways to get you started.

1. Rethink

Take a deep breath; sit back with your coffee and think of what are the things that you throw away the most. Depending on your lifestyle the answer will vary. It can be plastic water bottles, coffee cups, menstrual pads, junk food wraps… As a rule of thumb avoid any single use items and get your own alternative that can last you years and save you money.

2. Compost

Instead of throwing kitchen waste and organic material into the garbage and adding more of solid waste in the landfills, we can simply compost them. Starting a compost system at your home is not only easy, but also serves as a great soil fertilizer. Another way is to check with your local community and see what kind of composting program they have.

3. Reuse

Think twice before you throw something into the garbage or even the recycle bin. Most of the things DO NOT get recycled even though we have been told the opposite. Make your own DIY or donate the items you don’t need (even if they are broken or too old) to give them the chance to have a second life.

4. Keep extra bags

We have all been there; you go out shopping and ending up with a pile of plastic bags at your house. Make sure to always keep in your car or back pack some extra bags even if they are plastic. Plastic bags were first invented to avoid cutting many trees in the process of manufacturing paper bags. The moral is whatever type you prefer keep on using it while it still works.


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