Buy Your Own Kingdom | Ebay Really Does Have It All, And Now You Can Too… | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid

This Land Is Your Landimage via Ebay

Yep, you read that right.

For the right price, you can buy kingdoms on Ebay.  Whether you’re looking for a castle, a private island, or even an old military base, you can find it on Ebay.

You don’t need dragons to conquer these kingdoms, and you don’t need the Magna Carta to share your might. A seat of power can be yours, simply by bidding on eBay… seriously. We’ve rounded up nine properties and swaths of land for sale on eBay —  including a medieval German castle, an island off the coast of Florida, and even a former military missile base — each of which you can fashion into your the dominion of your choosing. Start coming up with a flag.

Click here to read more.

A Kingdom of Your Ownimage via Ebay

While it’s fun to look at all the weird things on Ebay, there’s a practical side to this too.  Many homesteaders are looking for a piece of land to call their own.

Most of us go through a typical real-estate agent when buying land, but there are other options. Sites like Ebay and Craigslist can be great places to find land that you might not have seen otherwise.  Always keep your options open.  You may be surprised at what you find.

What do you think about these Ebay kingdoms?  Do you have any tips for buying land?  Let us know in the comments!


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EPIC Urges FCC to Safeguard Precise 911 Location Data Before Mandating Collection

Last week, EPIC urged the FCC to clarify the privacy and security rules carriers must follow if and when the carriers are required to collect more precise location data for 911 call routing. The FCC has proposed that all carriers collect handset location data to improve 911 call routing. Currently, only some carriers collect such precise location data.

EPIC’s comments called attention to the danger of creating new troves of precise location data without first ensuring that the information is safeguarded. EPIC cited to the major carriers’ recent sale of consumer location data (including emergency location data), the heightened sensitivity of handset location data, and the harms suffered by vulnerable individuals as a result of misuse of location data.

EPIC argued that the Commission should not set a deadline for carriers to collect handset location data without first setting strong and clear privacy and security rules. EPIC recommended that the agency apply its existing privacy rules for dispatch location data to device-level routing data, including rules that hold carriers responsible for misuse by the third parties with whom carriers share emergency location data. EPIC urged the Commission to adopt data minimization principles and require carriers to routinely delete 911 location data. EPIC also urged the FCC to clarify explicitly that 911 location data would not be made available to law enforcement for investigative purposes (unless related to the purpose of the call).

EPIC advocates for improved safeguards for location data, the privacy and security of emergency assistance requests, greater consumer protection from the unsavory practices of data brokers, and regularly files comments with the FCC.

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How To Make a Primitive Throwing Stick (Step-by-Step Photos)

Man’s pressing need to survive has provided the impetus for invention and ingenuity. Living off the land encompasses all aspects of survival, including utilizing whatever is available to enhance survival.

ready to throw

Our need to hunt and protect ourselves was probably the motivation for early men to pick up a stick and use it as a tool.

The stick is the simplest of all tools and yet it has evolved from a simple tree branch to a sophisticated weapon incorporating aerodynamics, an understanding of weight and balance, and the concept of velocity vs weight to magnify kinetic energy.

It is a weapon that will take small game such as:

  • rabbits and hares
  • pheasants
  • partridges and turkeys
  • water fowl
  • and even small antelope and deer if you score a direct hit

The stick is mighty, and it has evolved over the centuries. It is the most valuable basic hunting tool you can have by your side in a survival context.

A Short History of the Sticks Evolution

A 300,000-year-old throwing stick found in Germany to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting throwing sticks used to hunt waterfowl, from Sudan, Asia, and the America’s, the throwing stick has literally found its mark.

Early archaeological finds indicate that the throwing stick was a fundamental and vital part of everyday life.

The Egyptians organized throwing stick sports events and the Aboriginals of Australasia praised the Gods for the stick.

The boomerang is considered the most enduring symbol of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia.

Throwing sticks and boomerangs were initially not designed to return to the thrower.

Hunting sticks follow a direct line of flight while returning throwing sticks and boomerangs follow a curved flight path which takes many more flight variables into account in order to be accurate.

Overview of the Throwing Stick

Throwing sticks are the easiest primitive weapons to make and are the first weapons you should contract if you ever find yourself in a survival situation.

Level of Difficulty

The throwing stick is easy to make. Literally any stick can be used irrespective of shape or length.

Skill Level Needed

  • Accuracy is the key. Shaping the stick to have an aerodynamic profile requires a simple understanding of shaping an aircraft wing.
  • No skill is needed to throw. It is as simple as picking it up and letting loose.
  • To be accurate requires constant practice. You will develop muscle memory with practice, the throw will become instinctive.
  • Starting out remember the old military maxim: slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

Ideal Conditions

The stick can be thrown as long as you have enough space to produce a swing and generate enough kinetic energy to propel the stick with sufficient momentum to kill or disable the target.

Type of prey

Small to medium game animals and birds. Effective against larger animals with direct hits to the cranium.


  • Length of branch approximately as thick as your wrist
  • Heaver woods are…

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Developing A Beautiful Egg Rainbow With Ems Eggers

“Having access to your own food is priceless,” says Emily Loflin, a self-proclaimed chicken enthusiast based in Northern California who shares her poultry adventures to the world via the Ems Eggers Instagram account.  

 Loflin’s farming journey escalated during the early era of the Covid-19 pandemic. “We were homesteading more than ever and we realized the importance of becoming self sustainable,” says Loflin, who adds that originally she and her husband “wanted to teach our children to be responsible humans and to love and nurture living things such as animals as well as plants.” 

Taking a break from tending to the chicks, we spoke to Loflin about her early inspiration to begin a hobby farm and the range of chicken personalities. We also touched on dark chocolate paint eggs. 

It’s All About the Eggs 

“The original appeal for chickens was honestly eggs!” says Loflin, when asked why poultry became such a focus of the Ems Eggers homestead. 

“My husband and children built the cutest little coop out of scrap-wood around the property, and we picked up four or five chicks,” she continues. “Raising them taught the kids responsibility. Feeding them, cleaning the coop and collecting eggs was the ultimate reward.” 

Read more: Do hens need roosters to lay eggs?

A Beautiful Egg Rainbow 

Loflin adds that her interest in chickens really bloomed during the pandemic, when she and her family were spending more time than ever homesteading. 

“We had the best garden we’ve ever had, and I really started researching chickens,” she explains. “I became super interested in all the different breeds and egg colors, and decided I wanted to have our own beautiful egg rainbow.” 

During this time, Loflin adds that late night research sessions helped to hone her poultry chops and expand her knowledge of specific breeds and egg-hatching techniques. “This is when I knew I had a real passion for chickens and their beautiful eggs,” she says. 


The Flock Breeds Personality 

Looking over her flock, Loflin says she’s noticed distinct personalities emerging. 

“Our Delaware hen Daisy was always so pushy and greedy and had to be first to all the feed bowls and treats,” she says. “Daisy would follow me and almost pester me until I’d offer her something. Then there’s Val, our first Easter Egger—so curious and not pushy, but she always seemed interested and intrigued by what was going on.” 

Read more: Can chickens talk? Sure they can! And they have lots to say.

Dark Chocolate Paint Eggs 

“I truly am in awe [of] the beauty of nature and all the amazing colors a chicken can lay,” says Loflin as she considers the range of egg colors her peep produces. “I love the blues and dark olives and speckles and even the lovely pastels or eggs with heavy blooms that make them look grey or purple!” 

Pressed to pick a current favorite…

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9 Ways to Keep Your Garden Soil Healthy


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9 Ways to Keep Your Garden Soil Healthy

You chose a location that gets plenty of sunshine. You purchased the best quality seeds and starter plants. You followed organic measures for pest control. You monitored rainfall and watering carefully, even installing a drip irrigation system.

Yet, despite all these “right” steps, your garden did not flourish last spring and summer. In fact, despite another year of gardening experience under your belt, your garden did more poorly than the year before. Why?

Article continues below.

As any experienced gardener knows, there could be a myriad of reasons for a poor harvest. But one area to closely examine is the condition of your soil. Healthy plants require healthy soil. This article examines nine ways to keep your garden soil healthy year after year.

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1. Test Your Soil

Successful gardening involves a continuous process of replenishing the nutrients in the ground. But you can’t renew what you don’t know you lack.

It’s essential to know the composition of your garden soil by testing it. Since your plants pull some nutrients from the ground and release others, testing is not a one-and-done situation. You’ll need to test every couple of years to make sure you have the right soil composition.

A basic soil test provides readings for soil pH, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. You also can learn about levels of lead and organic matter.

You can purchase soil testing kits online and in garden supply stores. If you prefer, you can take a soil sample to your local county cooperative extension service office for analysis and consultation.

Related Article: How To Test Your Soil The Way Pioneers Did

2. Add Organic Matter

Once you learn about any shortages or surpluses in your soil, you can make some changes to adjust the balance.

You may need to add some organic matter to enrich the soil. Organic matter can be anything that contains carbon compounds created by living organisms. Compost is decomposed organic matter that not only can enrich the earth but also help improve soil structure and help promote good drainage and aeration.

Here are some examples of organic matter:

  • Alfalfa meal can boost the soil’s nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.
  • Worm castings add nitrogen.
  • Bone meal offers phosphorus and calcium.

Related Article: Composting 101 – Read This Before You Start

3. Add Mulch to Your Soil’s Surface

You already know that mulch helps cut down on weeds, but it also helps nourish the soil and improves soil structure.

Shredded leaves release nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and trace nutrients back into the soil as they decompose. Other options are straw, nut hulls, and tree bark.

Related Article: The Ultimate Guide to Mulching

4. Loosen Compacted Soil

Garden soil can harden, making it difficult for plant roots to grow and spread to reach the water and nutrients they need.

If water tends to collect…

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You Reap What You Sow | Understanding the Value of Food | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid

Have you ever thought about the value of your food? Where it comes from? Or what it truly means to reap what you sow? If you’re the love-food-hate-waste type of person, then I’m sure you’ll agree with everything below. Get some tips on how to control food waste now.

By Kathy Bernier – The Practical Prepsteader

“What do I do with this?” asked my dinner guest, holding out a plate of beef burgundy, a hesitant expression on her face. She had accepted my invitation for the meal and had assured me that just the thought of my menu selection made her mouth water.

I swallowed the retort that sprang to my mind. I wanted to tell her that the only thing to do with food was to eat it. I wanted to tell her about the value of that food, of how the beef that I had simmered in wine sauce all afternoon was once a living breathing creature. I thought of the crisp October morning when we had used apples to lure the handsome young pasture-raised steers onto the livestock trailer, and of how we cried again two weeks later when we happened to witness strangers saying goodbye to their animal while we were picking up our packages of meat. I wished she could understand how that plate of beef represented so much more than just my work in the kitchen.

“Here,” I replied, reaching for the plate. “I’ll take it.” I scraped the entire serving into the chicken bucket I keep under the sink, consoling myself with the knowledge that at least it wouldn’t be completely wasted.

We don’t waste any food at our house, ever. We work too hard for it, and sacrifice too much, to let it land as a meaningless lump in a landfill somewhere.

However, our household is unusual in that regard. Never has food been of so little value to Americans in general. According to USDA data, we in our country pay a smaller percentage of our income on food than ever. In 1933, people spent 25.2 percent of their disposable income on food. In 2013, that figure was just 9.8 percent. You can see those figures for yourself on this chart:


Is it any wonder, then, that our society treats food so casually? In just eighty years, food has changed from something very dear to something so cheap that it’s not even worth taking care to conserve.

It is not only the actual dollars-and-cents cost of food that has diminished in recent generations, but the physical effort and nutritional value that people place on food as well. The USDA chart breaks down the food costs further into “At home” and “Away from home” categories. Back in 1933, almost all food costs were incurred at home, with just 3.3 percent spent away. But in 2013, nearly half – 4.3 of the 9.8 percent –…

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EPIC Cautions FCC About Limiting Breach Notices, Applauds Agency Attention to Data Security

This week, EPIC filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission regarding the agency’s plan to enhance its breach notification requirements for telecommunications and interconnected VoIP providers. Although many of the Commission’s proposals represent a significant improvement, not all are in the best interest of consumers. For example, the FCC proposes that companies only be obligated to report a breach if there is a likelihood of harm to result from the breach. EPIC cautioned the FCC against allowing companies to first determine the likelihood of harm resulting from a breach before deciding whether to notify consumers, because that determination process could delay notifications or result in outright underreporting of threats to consumer privacy and security.

Historically, the FCC has focused on safeguarding phone usage data (known as Customer Proprietary Network Information, or CPNI), which includes who a phone subscriber calls, their location, and other information, and on intentional misuse of CPNI. EPIC supports the FCC’s proposals to expand the definition of breach to include unintentional disclosure of personal data and to protect sensitive information such as Social Security Numbers—not just CPNI. EPIC also supports the Commission’s proposals to require breached companies to provide guidance to subscribers in their breach notifications regarding how to prevent identity theft, account compromise, and other breach-related harms, in addition to a brief description of what consumer data may have been accessed in the breach.

EPIC regularly comments on regulations and testifies on policies to promote better cybersecurity practices that protect consumer data from unauthorized access and other misuse.

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Reader Poll Results: Suggested SurvivalBlog Feature Topics.

The results are in. Recently, I asked our readers: What topics would you like to see covered in SurvivalBlog feature articles, in the coming months?

The intent was to give folks ideas for SurvivalBlog writing contest topics. None of the following listed topics are in any way reserved. Anyone can plunge in and share their experience on any of them.

We started with this brainstorming list:

  • Herbs — Medicinal and Cooking
  • Wildcrafting with plants and trees
  • Foraging and recipes with wild edibles
  • Assembling a set of ham radio shack equipment
  • Ham radio antenna trimming
  • Home Gunsmithing
  • How to restore kerosene lamps
  • Basic DIY veterinary science
  • Horse hoof trimming
  • Basic home carpentry projects
  • Dry-pack canning

And here are the feature article ideas that were sent in by readers, greatly expanding that list:

  • Prescription drug preparedness. More than just animal antibiotics, we’d appreciate some detailed recommendations by a medical professional, including some warnings on drug interactions.
  • Cautionary tales – true stories of people who embarked on big prepper, survival, homestead ventures and quickly bailed for one reason or another.

  • Small construction projects/advice

  • Jerry-rigging solutions to remote plumbing and electrical problems.

  • Weather-related considerations for safety, costs, food, other.

  • Small engine maintenance and repair.

  • Accurate butchering cuts.

  • Aging in place in remote locales – hacks, helps, advice.

  • Clever building designs (and those that did not work) for dealing with cold holes, storage, water wells, etc, heat/cooling, etc.

  • Best purchases in this/that category.  Biggest money wasters in this/that category.

  • Assisting birth of mammals, including human people.

  • The humble power of human touch.

  • Mobility without petroleum or electricity.

  • How to get prescription medicine without a prescription, and what alternative medicines can I use in a disaster, such as veterinary antibiotics.

  • Details on how to repurpose a DC motor or a car alternator, to make a pedal-powered DC generator.
  • How to, make do, think outside of the box articles could be helpful as well as more emphasis on where to find supplies outside of the traditional stores. “We need to reject the ‘I can’t’ a replace it with the ‘how can I?’ mentally. We can’t always have the best, most efficient way but we can still achieve the goal as we can update to better more efficient ways.”
  • How to properly clean antique firearms.
  • Using manure tea for aquaponic gardening.
  • Foraging for wild edibles.
  • Home security.
  • Communications in SHTF.
  • Precious Metals – how to invest, stocks in silver/gold mining, how to securely store physical metals, e.g.- is a bank safe deposit safe?
  • Basics on communications.  “From my view there is the ‘classic’ ham approach which works well but in an emergency situation some additional ‘tactical’ methods and styles may be very useful.”
  • An article on interpersonal skills. Someone should cover “basics on how to have a meeting that is structured and not just a get-together session…

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How To Remove Labels From Bottles With Ease

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The Power of Woke: How Leftist Ideology Is Undermining Our Society and Economy

“It’s an important part of society whether you like it or not,” lexicologist Tony Thorne, referring to “wokeness,” told The New Yorker’s David Remnick in January. That’s an understatement.

Wokeness is poisoning the Western workplace and constraining small and family businesses, midsized banks, and entrepreneurs while enriching powerful corporations and billionaires. It’s eating away at the capitalist ethos and killing the bottom-up modes of economic ordering and exchange that propelled the United States of America to prosperity during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It’s infecting Gen Z and millennials, who, suffering high depression rates and prone to “quiet quitting,” are not as well off as their parents and grandparents, and who feel isolated and alone even as they enjoy a technological connectivity that’s unprecedented in human history.

What, exactly, is wokeness, and how does it impact business and the wider society?

The term as it’s widely used today differs from earlier significations. “Woke,” which plays on African American vernacular, once meant “awake to” or “aware of” social and racial injustices. The term expanded to encompass a wider array of causes from climate change, gun control, and LGTBQ rights to domestic violence, sexual harassment, and abortion.

Now, wielded by its opponents, it’s chiefly a pejorative dismissing the person or party it modifies. It’s the successor to “political correctness,” a catchall idiom that ridicules a broad range of leftist hobbyhorses. Carl Rhodes submits, in Woke Capitalism, that “woke transmuted from being a political call for self-awareness through solidarity in the face of massive racial injustice, to being an identity marker for self-righteousness.”

John McWhorter’s Woke Racism argues that wokeness is religious in character, unintentionally and intrinsically racist, and deleterious to black people. McWhorter, a black linguist, asserts that “white people calling themselves our saviors make black people look like the dumbest, weakest, most self-indulgent human beings in the history of our species.” Books like Stephen R. Soukup’s The Dictatorship of Woke Capital and Vivek Ramaswamy’s Woke, Inc. highlight the nefarious side of the wokeism adopted by large companies, in particular in the field of asset management, investment, and financial services.

Wokeism, in both the affirming and derogatory sense, is predicated on a belief in systemic or structural forces that condition culture and behavior. The phrases “structural racism” or “systemic racism” suggest that rational agents are nevertheless embedded in a network of interacting and interconnected rules, norms, and values that perpetuate white supremacy or marginalize people of color and groups without privilege.

Breaking entirely free from these inherited constraints is not possible, according to the woke, because we cannot operate outside the discursive frames established by long use and entrenched power. Nevertheless, the argument runs, we can decenter the power relations bolstering this system and subvert the techniques employed, wittingly or unwittingly, to preserve extant hierarchies. That requires, however, new structures and power relations.

Corporate executives and boards of directors are unsuspectingly and inadvertently—though sometimes deliberately—caught up in these ideas. They’re immersed in an ideological paradigm arising…

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