13 Affogato Recipe Ideas | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid

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California Consumer Privacy Regulations Go Into Force

New regulations implementing the California Consumer Privacy Act have officially gone into effect following approval by the state’s Office of Administrative Law. The rules reinforce a wide range of privacy safeguards for Californians, including data minimization requirements; transparency obligations; access, correction, and deletion rights; and the ability for consumers to opt out globally from the sale or transfer of their personal data.

EPIC provided extensive input on the rules in November 2021, May 2022, August 2022, and November 2022, arguing for the strongest possible construction of the CCPA to protect consumers from exploitative data practices. EPIC also published a detailed analysis of the California Privacy Rights Act—a ballot measure that made substantial improvements to the CCPA—before voters approved it in 2020.

Meanwhile, the California Privacy Protection Agency is moving forward with an additional round of regulations that will implement the cybersecurity audit, risk assessment, and automated decision-making provisions of the CCPA. EPIC provided detailed feedback to the agency this week, calling on the agency to take account of the full spectrum of data-driven harms; establish strong cybersecurity audit standards; require businesses to conduct and publish robust risk assessments; and ensure that consumers enjoy effective disclosures and opt-out rights with respect to automated decision-making systems.

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Raising Chickens: How to raise backyard chickens

Backyard Chickens

With rising inflation, worldwide political instability, out-of-control grocery prices, and social unrest, more and more people are looking for ways to feed themselves and their families without relying on antiquated systems that no longer guarantee food during emergencies and crisis situations. Because of these concerns, backyard chickens are rapidly gaining popularity as more and more people are looking to learn how to raise chickens to gain some independence and food security.

Before the days of Walmart, raising chickens was a pretty normal thing to see. Even in the city, people would keep chickens as a way to have fresh eggs and control bug problems. However, with more people turning towards organic foods and backyard gardens, raising chickens is starting to increase in popularity again. From knowing where your food came from to making sure your family has fresh food during an emergency, there are several reasons that people decide to raise chickens.

Benefits of raising your own chickens:

Fresh and Nutritious Eggs: One of the most obvious benefits of raising your own chickens is the access to fresh and nutritious eggs. You will always have access to eggs laid within the last 24-48 hours and contain more vitamins and beta-carotene. A single hen can lay up to 200 a year, and you give yourself a fresh organic food source, free of pesticides and chemicals.

Cost Savings: When you have your own chickens, you will be able to save money by not having to purchase eggs at the store. In addition, chickens can be raised for their meat as well, providing a cost-effective protein source.

Pest Control: Chickens are a great way to keep bugs from infesting your garden. Chickens can help control pests in your garden by eating insects, ticks, and other bugs. This can help reduce the need for chemical pesticides and keep your garden healthier.

Fertilizer: Chicken manure is an excellent source of natural fertilizer that can help improve soil quality and produce healthier plants. They produce good nitrogen-rich manure that when mixed with your compost, is excellent for plants.

Education: Raising chickens can be a great way to teach children about the responsibility of caring for animals, the source of their food, and the basic principles of biology.

Personal Satisfaction: Many people find raising chickens a rewarding hobby providing a sense of pride and accomplishment. It can also be a stress-relieving and peaceful activity.

How to get started and things to consider when deciding to raise backyard chickens

While there are a couple of breeds of chickens that produce eggs and meat, most chickens are bred either for their meat, or for their eggs.

For the beginner, we recommend either buying a couple of young female chickens that have just started to lay eggs, or a few baby chicks that have already hatched. You can also buy fertilized eggs and keep them in an incubator until they hatch, but baby chicks are much easier to deal with when you’re just starting out.

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Crafting Sustainable Newspaper Bricks: A DIY Guide for the Eco-Conscious Villager


Reuse, Recycle, and Stay Warm with this Nifty DIY Project

Introduction: A Sustainable, Cozy Solution

Greetings, fellow sustainability enthusiasts! Today, I’d like to share with you an eco-friendly DIY project that transforms old newspapers into long-lasting bricks for burning. Not only is this an excellent way to recycle, but it also provides a warm and cozy atmosphere during those chilly winter months.

Materials Needed

  • Old newspapers
  • A large container for soaking
  • Water
  • Optional: a capful of bleach
  • DIY brick maker (capable of producing 4 brick-shaped logs at a time)
  • Optional: sawdust or wood chips

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Newspaper Bricks

Step 1: Shred or Rip Your Newspapers

To speed up the process, use an office paper shredder to shred your newspapers into small bits. Alternatively, you can rip the newspapers by hand.

Step 2: Soak the Newspapers

Place the shredded newspapers in a large container and soak them in water for 2-3 days. This allows the water to break the newspaper down into pulp. If you’d like to expedite this process, you can add a capful of bleach, but it’s not necessary.

Step 3: Prepare Your Brick Maker

Ensure your brick maker is clean and ready for use. Remember, we’re aiming for tightly compressed bricks that will burn slowly and last longer.

Step 4: Fill the Brick Maker

Fill the brick maker firmly, almost overflowing, with your soaked newspaper pulp. Avoid loose bricks that will burn quickly by ensuring the pulp is tightly compressed.

Step 5: Experiment with Additional Materials (Optional)

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can add sawdust, wood chips, or other materials to your newspaper pulp. This can help create a more diverse and longer-burning brick.

Step 6: Let Your Bricks Dry

Allow your newspaper bricks to dry for several weeks or even months, depending on your local climate. The hotter the weather, the quicker your bricks will be ready for use.

Enjoy Your Sustainable, Low-Smoke Fireplace Experience

This DIY project is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to purchasing firewood. With your new newspaper bricks, you can enjoy clean-burning, low-smoke fires throughout the winter months, all while knowing you’re contributing to a more sustainable future. Happy crafting!

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