EPIC Urges First Circuit to Recognize Legality of State Voter Privacy Law

EPIC submitted an amicus brief on Friday, June 16 in the case Public Interest Legal Foundation v. Bellows urging the First Circuit to reverse a district court opinion that found a Maine voter privacy law to be preempted by the National Voter Registration Act (“NVRA”). In the case, PILF—an organization that focuses on election integrity and has at time publicly released individual voters’ social security numbers and wrongfully accused them of felonies—is suing Maine, alleging that Maine’s voter privacy law is illegal. Maine’s voter law allows members of the public to obtain the statewide voter list only if they are doing so to evaluate Maine’s compliance with the NVRA and if they agree to not use the list to publicly release voters’ names, addresses, birth dates, and other personally identifiable information. The NVRA requires states to maintain and make publicly available records relating to the state’s implementation of programs that ensure statewide voter registration lists are accurate.

PILF argues that under the NVRA, all completed voter registration applications, including the information contained in the statewide voter file, must be publicly available, so Maine’s privacy law unlawfully conflicts with the NVRA. The district court agreed with PILF, granting it summary judgment, so Maine appealed.

EPIC’s brief argues that PILF and the district court were wrong: voter privacy enhances election integrity by shielding voters from abuse, intimidation, and coercion. EPIC’s brief argues that publicly releasing voters’ sensitive private information will only discourage voting, so Maine’s reasonable access, transfer, and use limitations enables the public to ensure Maine’s elections are handled with integrity while also protecting Maine citizens. EPIC’s brief also shows that such limitations are commonplace both in voting and other arenas nationwide.

EPIC regularly files amicus briefs in cases related to voter privacy and advocates for voter privacy through comments and reports.

Benefits Of Raising Geese On A Homestead

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Are you considering adding some feathery friends to your homestead? Raising geese might be the perfect option for you. These intelligent and social birds offer numerous benefits that can improve the overall productivity and sustainability of your land.

Not only do they provide natural pest control, protection from predators, and nutrient-rich eggs and meat, but their feathers can also be used for various purposes, like filling pillows or making quill pens. Besides these practical advantages, geese require relatively low maintenance compared to other livestock animals.

They are hardy creatures that generally stay healthy with minimal care. Plus, they’re entertaining companions who can bring joy to your daily life on the homestead. So if you’re looking for a sustainable and environmentally friendly addition to your farm family, read on to discover all the incredible benefits of raising geese!

Natural Pest Control

Raising geese on a homestead is like hitting two birds with one stone, as they’ll not only provide you with eggs and meat, but they’ll also act as natural pest controllers, keeping your garden bug-free. These large birds have impressive pest eating habits which include snacking on insects such as mosquitoes, slugs, snails, ticks, and grubs.

This insect reduction in your garden can make a significant difference in the health of your plants and the overall enjoyment of your outdoor space. Geese are especially helpful for mosquito control during warmer months when these pesky insects are most active. Their constant foraging keeps the mosquito population in check while also helping to prevent slugs and deter snails from feasting on your plants.

Tick management is another benefit of having geese around since they consume these disease-carrying pests that may pose a risk to you and your family’s health. Geese even assist with grub control by digging up these lawn-destroying insects hiding beneath the soil surface. Aside from their appetite for pests, geese contribute to weed suppression in the garden due to their fondness for munching on various types of weeds.

This helps keep unwanted plant growth under control without resorting to harmful chemicals or manual labor. With all these benefits provided by geese as natural pest controllers, it’s clear that they’re an invaluable addition to any homestead environment. Now let’s explore how their presence can offer protection from predators, which is another great reason why raising geese should be considered by every homesteader.

Protection from Predators

You’ll be amazed at how these feathered friends can help protect your property from unwanted predators! Geese are known for their predator deterrence abilities, honking loudly to alert the rest of the flock and you of any potential threats.

Their guarding instincts make them perfect for territory defense, as they will aggressively confront intruders in an attempt to protect their flock’s safety. These large birds can be quite intimidating to predators, with their size and loud vocalizations often being enough to scare off would-be attackers.

Having geese on…

Most Popular Breed of Sheep For Your Homesteading Needs

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Is It Better to Build Your Homestead or Buy It? – reThinkSurvival.com

Many people dream of owning a homestead. It’s hard to beat the feeling of waking up at dawn to water the garden, tend beehives or collect fresh eggs, especially when it all belongs to you. But should you buy a property with existing buildings or construct your own? Here are the pros and cons of each decision.

6 Reasons to Build From Scratch

Is your heart set on building a homestead from the ground up? While it may be a challenge, there are several reasons constructing your own home and outbuildings is so rewarding.

1. You Can Customize Your Homestead

One of the most compelling reasons to build your own homestead is that you can personalize it. Twins on the way? Go ahead and build two nurseries. Love to cook? Design your dream kitchen with as much shelf and counter space as you need.

Designing your own home is especially useful for household members with mobility challenges. You can build ramps, sidewalks, wide doorways and walk-in showers to accommodate people who use wheelchairs, walkers or other mobility aids. Forego the stairs and build an expansive one-story home instead.

You can also customize the outdoor buildings on your property. Maybe you’ve always owned horses and would love to build a large stable, or you envision growing plants in a greenhouse in the winter. Whatever your dream, it’s possible to build what you need to your exact specifications.

Plus, you have a chance to design your house in a modern style, raising its value if you ever choose to sell. Or, you could build your home in your own unique style that makes you happy — whether it’s trendy or not. Building a homestead from scratch means these choices are all up to you.

2. You’re Growing the Community

Building a new house expands your community, creating a new place for yourself — and future generations — to live. That’s especially important in countries like the U.S., where the pandemic disrupted global supply chains and contributed to a housing shortage. U.S. home prices have risen 32% since 2020 and builders need to construct several million new homes to house the growing population. You can help with that.

3. Everything Will Be New

Nobody will have ever lived on your homestead. That means no one has smoked cigarettes in the house, owned cats or painted the walls a bizarre shade that’s hard to cover up. There won’t be existing mold problems or a mouse infestation, and you won’t have to clear out a bunch of unwanted furniture left over from a previous occupant.

Unless you decide to outfit your home with used appliances, everything inside it — including the wiring, plumbing and HVAC system — will be brand new. There will be less of a chance that things will break so soon — and even if they do, the warranty will probably cover it. It could be decades before you have to replace your tankless water heater or…

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EPIC Commends Proposed HIPAA Reproductive Health Safeguards, Calls on HHS to Further Strengthen Rule

In comments to the Department of Health and Human Services, EPIC praised HHS for proposing new reproductive health safeguards for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule and called on the agency to expand those protections. The proposed rule would prohibit doctors and insurers from disclosing protected health information (PHI), including reproductive health information, “sought for the purposes or of conducting a criminal, civil, or administrative investigation into or proceeding against any person in connection with seeking, obtaining, providing, or facilitating reproductive health care that is lawful under the circumstances in which it is provided.”

For the proposed rule to effectively protect patient privacy, EPIC recommended that the Privacy Rule: (1) should not limit its scope to “lawful” reproductive health care services and it should require a sworn statement of purpose rather than a simple attestation that the disclosure is not for a prohibited purpose; (2) should establish a warrant standard for law enforcement access to PHI for a permissible purpose; and (3) should prohibit PHI disclosures involved in mandatory reporting regimes where that information could identify a person who has obtained or helped someone obtain an abortion.

EPIC regularly files comments on proposed rules to protect the privacy of personal information and advocates for reproductive privacy and other health privacy protections. EPIC released a statement last year opposing the Supreme Court’s rollback of the constitutional right to abortion and published an analysis of reproductive privacy after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Making Bugging Out to the Wild Practical

A lot of people in the prepping community talk about bugging out, as if “the way” to do it is to head for the wild. By and large, that’s a much more complicated option, than heading for a prepared survival retreat, bugging out to a small, rural town, or even going to visit Aunt Tilde in another town till the disaster is over. Nevertheless, those options won’t work for some of us and bugging out to the wild may be the only realistic option we feel we have.

Bugging out to the wild is probably the most dangerous option we have available to us, although it is the best way to get away from people, if we’re concerned about a breakdown of society, with rampant lawlessness. The problem is surviving in the wild. The solution to that problem, is proper preparation. That’s what I want to talk about here.

The Survival Retreat

The ideal way of bugging out to the wilderness is to own some land and build a survival retreat, the proverbial “cabin in the woods.” Few of us can actually afford this, at least in the way we imagine it in our minds. Buying forested land with a lake or stream on it is expensive; building on that land can be even more so.

There are other ways of looking at this though. It takes some searching, but there is land available, which is known as “junk land,” that can be bought for a couple of thousand dollars per acre. The reason it is so cheap, is that it isn’t useful for anything. It’s too far for anything to be used for commercial or industrial purposes, there’s no reason to build houses there and it’s not suitable for agriculture. The one big problem with it, is that it usually doesn’t have any access to water.

Being remote makes such land attractive as a survival retreat though. The only real issue is overcoming the water problem. That either means putting in a well, which is an expensive proposition or using rainwater capture. If you have sufficient storage, there are few places in the country where there isn’t enough rainfall to survive.

As for a shelter, unless you want to build a log cabin or other shelter, the easiest way to give yourself a shelter on that property is to buy a used travel trailer and set it up there. A lot of hunters do this for “hunting cabins,” and it works out well. Old travel trailers can be purchased inexpensively, if you look around and aren’t all that picky about how pretty it is.

Alternative Shelter

Even the relatively lower cost of buying junk land and putting a used travel trailer on it is outside of many people’s financial reach. I fully understand that and am not suggesting that you do something you can’t afford. I’m merely listing that as an option for those who can. But…

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Rainy Day Activities | 32 Fun Things For You And Your Kids To Do Indoors

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Feed The Right Chicken Treats To Your Flock

Most every animal-keeper knows the value of treats, and chicken-keepers are not an exception! Treats can provide a great bonding experience between poultry and humans, and can even be used for training. 

For example, researchers wanting to better understand chicken behavior and cognition train chickens to peck at a certain object by rewarding them with a treat. Similarly, backyard chicken owners can train chickens to come when called by using treats as a reward. This can be a great way to consistently get backyard flocks to return to the coop at night. 

For success in training, positive reinforcement tactics with treats is key. Just like with dogs, punishment-based training methods are counterproductive. This is especially true for chickens since they have reactive prey instincts. 

Chickens have a behavioral and physiological response when they anticipate getting a treat. This anticipation of consuming a treat is linked to the reward centers within their brain. One experiment (“Effects of haloperidol, a dopamine D2-like receptor antagonist, on reward-related behaviors in laying hens,” Moe et al., Physiology & Behavior, 2011) found that chickens increase their head movement and remain alert, with their head and neck stretched, when they anticipate receiving a treat. 

In fact, the more desirable the treat (for example, if the treat includes mealworms or insects vs. whole wheat) the more they showed head movement, as shown in another experiment (“Effects of signalled reward 482 type, food status and a µ-opioid receptor antagonist on cue-induced anticipatory behaviour in 483 laying hens [Gallus domesticus],” Moe et al., Applied Animal Behavior Science, 2013). 

Read more: Here’s what you should know about poultry waterers and feeders.

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Nutrition & Chicken Treats

Even though poultry feed is considered a complete and balanced diet, treats can be a very beneficial supplement. Poultry feeds are formulated based on the protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals of various ingredients.

Chicken treats can provide additional, more flexible nutrition. 

Supplementing your flock with treats gives you the ability to tailor their diet based on what they need most. For example, most chicken-approved kitchen scraps can be a great treat for a flock. However, fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs have limited nutritional value because of their high-water content.

These types of fresh food scraps can help keep a flock hydrated. Oftentimes, however, the water content dilutes most of the nutritional benefit. Dried fruits and vegetables are more shelf stable than fresh, meaning they’re more nutrient-dense and provide a higher amount of nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. 

Insects are highly beneficial and a poultry favorite, which is why they’re often included in treats! Birds are omnivores and love snacking on insects—those they catch in the coop and garden and the dried insects found on store shelves. 

In general, most insects and their larvae are a good source of protein and fat and are highly digestible, although they can have a varying nutrient profile. For example, the…

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Adorable DIY Projects You and Your Pet Will Be Fascinated About

Are you looking for some DIY projects for your pet? If you want some cool projects for your pet, here’s a list that will provide you with everything that you’ve been looking for. Plus, how good will it feel to know that you made it yourself?

Perhaps you’ve already known a lot of DIY home projects and constantly looking for more that you can accomplish. Little that you’ve notice that every time you are working on your DIY home projects your pet is watching you with a longing in its eyes of when you would be making one for them.

So, now is your perfect time to spoil your pet with this list DIY projects that we’ve compiled just for you and your pet. Have Fun!


DIY Projects for Pets

1. DIY Cat Toy Self Petting Station

Give your feline that total entertainment that this DIY cat toy self-petting station will provide. Learn how to make it here.

2. DIY Dog Pond

DIY Dog Pond | 25 Adorable DIY Projects You and Your Pet Will Be Fascinated About

This will just no make your dog cool for the hot summer months it will also make them out of your pool. Check it out here.

3. Cat Bow Tie

Your dog has its tie, what accessory will you give to your feline friend? A bow tie! You’ll see it’s a perfect accessory that will make her more adorable. See how it’s done here.

4. Dog Collar Pocket


This accessory is not just for your pet, it will also helpful for you! Check it out here.

5. Homemade Cat Scratching Post


This homemade cat scratching post will give your feline friend that long hours of entertainment and I’m pretty sure it will not break your wallet. See how it’s done here.



6. DIY No-Sew Cat Hammock

DIY No Sew Cat Hammock | 25 Adorable DIY Projects You and Your Pet Will Be Fascinated About

How cool can you get in spoiling your felines? Pretty sure not only your felines will love this, your guest will give your felines that surprised look. Learn how you can make it here.

7. DIY Indoor Cat Garden

A triple-purpose DIY, going green, keeping your cat busy and keeping her from chewing your things. See how it’s done here.

8. DIY Cat Self-Scratcher


9. DIY Pet Teepee

Does your pet love to stay outdoors? Well, provide them that chick and stylish shade with this pet teepee. Learn how you can make it here.

10. DIY Dog Collar



10 Captivating Rock Garden Ideas and Be Inspired Now

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