13 Dutch Oven Recipes For Cooking Outdoors

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A Retreat for Aging Preppers. Rainwater barrel recovery system

Addressing the problems facing aging preppers.

Start early!

Our initial problem was two-fold: Finding sustainable land while still trapped until I was retirement-eligible. Two years before retirement, we began our search for viable land approximately 100 miles from any major city. Our initial search was for about 20 acres, a nearby small town, and off of well-traveled roads. The land had to have a water source with a full-year-running creek.

Remember moving to an unknown rural community places you at a disadvantage of finding appropriate skilled help and unscrupulous persons who will overcharge you based on your lack of knowledge.

After locating a property, we purchased the acreage. About two-thirds of the property was clear-cut for pine lumber some 4 to 5 years earlier, which left an overgrown mess of brambles, briars, and debris The costs of clearing the land was substantial and we had not really budgeted for the costs. Not having any farming background was a disadvantage.

If you are in the market for land, do not think that the low cost of the acreage is better than a more expensive acreage that is already cleared and usable.

About one year from my retirement, we began initial improvements. We paid to bulldoze a path/driveway towards the rear of the property and clear a place for a 40×40 metal barn with 10 ft overhangs on both sides. Due to the distance between our current home to the property being about 100 miles, my husband was ingenious in designing the barn. Inside the barn, 1/4 of the space was used to build a fully functional apartment. We created our own little residence inn that included bathroom with sink, toilet, and shower. One wall contained a kitchen sink, microwave, stove, refrigerator and cabinets. It contained a small closet and the room for a bed and small table for eating. It was completed with a dual ac/ heating window unit.

Additionally, a septic system, well, and electricity was included in the build. This allowed us to come to the property on long weekends and vacation time to oversee the building of our home and begin moving woodworking equipment/storage etc. to the barn.

We were able to monitor any movement via a camera connected to our phones. If you are in a similar situation of trying to get away from the city, but are prevented by your current work situation, this is a good idea, that enables you to begin the process of relocating. Also, during the building of the barn, it seemed like all of the locals showed up one day to examine the strange barn concept.

I believe it was imperative to demonstrate the security system we installed to show local inhabitants the immediate notifications on our phones. I believe this may have prevented loss of property.

The building of the main home became a nightmare of costs, problems, and delays. As with any construction, you can’t move forward on other items until the first is completed. In a rural setting,…

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Disease-Fighting Food to Feed Your Dog

Food to Feed Dog

Nothing is satisfying as seeing your furry friend active, happy, and healthy. Strengthening your dog’s immune system is crucial in ensuring that your dog is healthy. Like humans, dogs are vulnerable to infections. However, does a diet of flaxseed, oatmeal, and blueberries keep dog diseases at bay as it does to humans?

Unfortunately, there’s no magic food that can keep your dog’s veterinarian away. Like humans, a balanced diet is crucial for your dog’s health. However, this doesn’t rule out the effectiveness of food items thought to be of high nutritional value. For instance, inconclusive studies show that a fresh diet is very nutritious.

Is Quality Food Enough to Fight Diseases?

While quality commercial dog food provides endless nutritional benefits, such as improving dog kidney health, they don’t provide all the required nutrients. Most commercial dog foods are rich in cereals and grains. You should supplement your dog’s diet with homemade food options.

For instance, fruits and vegetables provide the much-needed vitamins and minerals required to improve the immune system. This diet is important for growing puppies with maturing immune systems or senior dogs with deteriorating immune systems due to advancing age.

Disease-Fighting Food to Include in Your Dog’s Diet

You should consider the following diet to improve your dog’s immune system.

1. Fish Oil

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are widely known to control inflammation. Fatty acids derived from fish oil have been found to be effective in managing skin inflammation, joint disease, and kidney diseases. Unfortunately, not all commercial dog foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Even those with omega-3 fatty acids don’t have sufficient amounts required to produce the desired effects.

Apart from quantity, the source of omega-3 acids also matters. For instance, dogs and cats can’t metabolize omega-3 acids from flax seeds and other plant sources efficiently. This explains why veterinarians recommend feeding your dog with omega-3 acids derived from fish oil.

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements are a good option. However, you should be wary of several things before buying them for your dog. For instance, ensure the manufacturer has satisfactory quality control measures to ensure supplements are not contaminated and are toxins-free.

There are several omega-3 fatty acid supplements available on the market. However, most of them are formulated for human consumption. While you can feed your dog with these options in the form of meatballs or other formulations, opt for supplements specifically made for pets. Most human supplements have high levels of vitamins A and D, which might be risky for your dog. Fish oil also has extra fat calories, which might be dangerous for your dog in high doses.

2. Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good source of trace nutrients and compounds that can’t be found in commercial dog food. The following fruits and vegetables can boost your dogs’ immune system function:

  • Apples – Your dog will certainly need more than an apple a day to stay away from the vet. However, apples are a…

Recipe for Spanikopita from Mrs. Alaska

The following recipe for Spanikopita is from SurvivalBlog reader Mrs. Alaska.

She writes:  This recipe is adapted from one in the wonderful book, The Boreal Forest, by Beverly Gray.

While traditional spanakopita is made with spinach, feta cheese, and phyllo pastry, the fact is that the filling can be made with ANY cookable leafy green (wild or domesticated) and any cheese. The phyllo, too, can be replaced with pie crust (so it would then be a quiche) or topped with biscuits, or spread over puff pastry.

For the spanakopita:

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Mix together 2 cups of feta (or other cheese), 2 cups of cottage (or other) cheese, 5 eggs, 2 TBS of flour or corn starch, herbs and seasonings of choice —  such as salt, pepper, oregano, and basil. I also add the juice and zest of one lemon.

In a wide pan, on low heat, wilt 5 cups of chopped greens with NO WATER. Traditionally, this is spinach, but I have also used dandelion, cabbage, and mixed leaves of beets, turnips, mustard, radish, lamb’s quarter, broccoli, and cauliflower. Obviously, the flavor will vary but the texture will not.

Add the wilted greens to the cheese mixture.

To make with phyllo:

Melt a stick of butter.

Butter a 9 x 12 baking pan.

Unroll a package of phyllo and cover the sheets so they will not dry out as you work.

One at a time, layer about 8 leaves of pastry, buttering each one. Then spread half or all of the greens/cheese mixture. Top with another 8 leaves of pastry, each one buttered, or insert an intermediate layer of phyllo if you wish.

Bake, uncovered for 45 minutes or until the topping is golden brown.


This freezes well and reheats well. I love it for breakfast with a fried egg on top.

Alternatives include pre-baking a pie shell or puff pastry and then topping them with the cheese/greens mixture and cooking for another 20 minutes for the thinly topped puff pastry or 40 minutes for the quiche.

Mrs. Alaska writes a blog about her off-grid life in remote Alaska.

Do you have a well-tested recipe that would be of interest to SurvivalBlog readers? In this weekly recipe column, we place emphasis on recipes that use long-term storage foods, recipes for wild game, dutch oven recipes, slow cooker recipes, and any recipes that use home garden produce. If you have any favorite recipes, then please send them via e-mail. Thanks!


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So, Is It Illegal To Collect Rainwater in Minnesota?

For self-reliant folks, obtaining and keeping access to off-grid utilities is critical if you want to be prepared for the worst situations possible.

Luckily, one of the most critical resources, water, is also the easiest to obtain totally off-grid by the use of rain-catching systems.

flag of minnesota

These systems can supply hundreds of gallons of water from just a passing storm. But, as hard as it is to believe, collecting rainwater is not always legal, and in some states it is heavily regulated.

How about Minnesota? Is it illegal to collect rainwater in Minnesota?

No, it isn’t illegal to collect rainwater in Minnesota though setting up your own system will require you to get permitted and adhere to Minnesota board plumbing codes. Minnesota has its own plumbing code which is not uniform with international standards, making this trickier than it has to be.

The good news is that you can harvest rainwater for non-potable purposes in Minnesota, but the bad news is you’ll have to go through a proper dog and pony show trying to check all of the boxes required for the Minnesota plumbing board to get your permit.

It’s not great, but at least it’s possible. I’ll tell you everything else you need to know about Minnesota’s rainwater collection laws below…

Is Collection of Rainwater Illegal at the State Level in Minnesota?

No, collecting rainwater is not illegal at the state level in Minnesota as explained in Minnesota Administrative Rules 4714.1602.

However, as previously mentioned, the implementation of any rainwater harvesting systems requires obtaining permits and compliance with the Minnesota Plumbing Board, or MPB.

The MBP regulates the design, installation, and maintenance of plumbing systems including those for rainwater harvesting through the Minnesota Plumbing Code.

Minnesota law requires that harvested rainwater is used only for non-potable purposes and must be properly stored to prevent contamination.

Rainwater must also be used in a way that doesn’t cause harm to public health or the environment.

Is Collection of Rainwater Illegal at the County Level in Minnesota?

No, at least in no county I found. But, do keep in mind that county or local laws and guidelines may have additional regulations or restrictions on the collection and use of rainwater beyond what the state law imposes.

Some counties may have sharply limited or totally prohibited the installation of rainwater harvesting systems due to water shortage or contamination concerns.

You must check with your county and city or town for guidelines before buying equipment and implementing a rainwater harvesting practice.

You may also need additional local permits beyond what the state demands: failing to do so may entail fines and charges.

Under What Conditions Can Citizens Collect Rainwater in Minnesota?

Citizens can generally collect rainwater whenever they want in Minnesota so long as they have an inspected and permitted system for the purpose.

Something to bear in mind is that, despite the state allowing “at will” collection for approved…

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So, Is It Illegal To Collect Rainwater in Illinois?

Rainwater is a valuable resource for people living in any areas where water is scarce or expensive. It is also a godsend, if you can collect it, anytime the usual supplies are offline or contaminated.

flag of Illinoisthe flag of Illinois

Naturally, many preppers are keen to invest in rainwater catching and storage systems so they can ensure they have a supply of safe water no matter what is going on in the world.

But, believe it or not the legality of rainwater harvesting is somewhat ambiguous in various states, and rules and regs abound. How about Illinois? Is it illegal to collect rainwater in Illinois?

No, it is not illegal to collect rainwater in Illinois. However, the state does have some rules about how it can be used and stored for later use, and local governments can force system owners to comply with state plumbing laws and codes.

Hardly a surprise considering how litigious and out of control government, at all levels, is in Illinois.

But, that’s just the way it goes, and depending on where you live in the state you might have an easy time getting a system installed and using your rainwater, or you might have a very, very hard time.

Keep reading and I will tell you more about some of the current laws and issues related to rainwater collection in Illinois.

Is Collection of Rainwater Illegal at the State Level in Illinois?

No, collecting rainwater isn’t illegal at the state level in Illinois. However, there are specific regulations that individuals must follow to ensure that their systems meet certain criteria.

Plus, the state government has empowered all local governments to force adherence to state plumbing laws and codes for private rainwater collection systems.

Even smaller, residential-scale systems are not exempt from permit and inspection requirements as long as local governments dictate.

For example, the systems must be proven to not pose a public health risk, must not negatively impact the environment or neighboring properties, and must not impact the water quality of any civic systems, streams, rivers, or groundwater.

Is Collection of Rainwater Illegal at the County Level?

No, technically, but in some areas the practice will be so odiously overregulated that it might as well be illegal.

While collecting rainwater is not illegal at the state level in Illinois, counties and municipalities have their own guidelines, codes, and regulations, and these are bolstered by the state government allowing them to enforce state plumbing laws and codes on local users. See SB0032, SB0038 and SB2549.

For example, Cook County has provisions and guidelines that only commercial and industrial properties must follow if they are considering a rainwater harvesting system.

Other counties, such as McHenry County, have no specific regulations on rainwater harvesting per se, but may require a building permit for any rain barrels or cisterns depending on the location and purpose of the system.

It is recommended that residents…

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The House That Nirvana Build

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Common Garden Pests and How to Manage Them [Infographic]

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How To Make A Long-Term Financial Security Plan

I hope this article leaves you with a stronger sense of self-reliance, which is crucial in times of crisis. When emergencies arise, you can only rely on yourself and your immediate family, as there’s no guarantee that the millions of caring individuals in the world will be able to assist you.

To become more self-reliant, it’s important to establish a plan for achieving long-term financial security. Here are some actionable steps you can take towards that goal.

Get rid of debt

First, free yourself from the shackles of debt, as being indebted makes you a slave to your debt holder and relinquishes control of your finances. Resolve to avoid using credit to make purchases going forward, and adjust your budget to pay off your debts as quickly as possible. Start by paying off one debt at a time while making minimum payments on your other debts until you are completely debt-free.

Make an emergency fund

When life throws unexpected financial challenges your way, it can feel overwhelming and stressful. That’s why establishing an emergency fund is one of the best steps you can take to prepare for economic troubles. Your emergency fund should be divided into three main categories to ensure that you are prepared for any situation:

Cash-on-hand fund:

It’s crucial to have a ready supply of cash available at all times. In the event of an emergency, banks may be closed, and cards may not be accepted, so you’ll need cash to pay for essential items like supplies, fuel, or hotel rooms. Natural disasters, power grid failures, and sudden evacuations can happen anywhere and without warning. Therefore, keep cash on hand and invest in a secure wall safe to store your funds at home.

Short-term fund:

This is the fund you turn to for immediate emergencies, such as an unexpected car repair or replacing a major appliance that stopped working. It should be kept at a local bank with a debit card attached to the account, so you can access your money immediately. Short-term funds can also help you get through larger events where it may take a couple of days to access your long-term emergency fund.

Long-term fund:

This reserve of money is intended to help you get through more extended periods of difficulties, such as a job loss or a major natural disaster. While this fund should be accessible quickly, it should not be too easy to access, as you may be tempted to use it for everyday spending. It’s recommended to save at least six months of regular expenses and place it in a savings or money market account. Remember, this is an insurance policy, not an investment fund, so don’t worry about making money on this account.

By establishing an emergency fund, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re prepared for any financial challenge life may throw your way.

Build a stockpile of long term goods

<img src="https://prepperswill.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Build-a-stockpile-of-long-term-goods-1024×683.jpeg" alt="build a stockpile of long term goods"…

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Ideas for home-made insulation – The Homestead Survival

Cheap and effective solutions to increase comfort

Thermal insulation is becoming increasingly important in the context of rising energy costs and concerns about protecting the environment. A well-insulated home not only reduces energy costs, but also improves comfort. Here are some home insulation ideas that can help you to keep your home warmer and more energy efficient.

Thermal curtains

In the first quarter of this article, we look at thermal curtains, which offer a simple and cost-effective way to insulate your home. Thermal curtains are thicker and more densely woven than traditional curtains, preventing heat from flowing through windows. Thermal curtains are easy to install, as they simply need to be hung on the existing curtain rail.
An argument in favour of thermal curtains is that, in addition to their thermal insulation properties, they are also aesthetically pleasing. They are available on the market in a wide range of styles and colours, making them easy to match the interior design of your home.

Thermal insulation foil

Thermal insulation film is another home solution for insulating windows. The film is applied to the window glass where it reduces heat transmission and heat loss. There are different types of insulating films to choose from, such as reflective films, which reflect sunlight to reduce the heating of the interior during the summer months.

Installation of insulation materials

Another option for insulating buildings is to install insulation materials. This method is particularly effective for insulating walls, floors and ceilings. Insulation materials can be natural or synthetic. Natural insulating materials include, for example, cellulose, glass wool, rock wool, wood shavings or fibrous insulating materials. Synthetic insulation materials include polystyrene, polyurethane and other plastic-based products.

By using home-made insulation ideas, insulation materials can be applied in layers in walls, floors or ceilings to improve energy efficiency and comfort. However, it is important to seek professional help to ensure that insulation materials are properly installed and that they are vapour and air permeable.

Door and window insulation

Gaps around doors and windows can cause significant heat loss, so it is worth paying attention to this area during insulation projects. Insulating doors and windows can be done using insulation tape, sealant or even sponges. Duct tapes and sealants can be used to minimise air flow, which contributes to better insulation and savings.

Thermal insulation with lifestyle changes

Last but not least, insulation can be supported by lifestyle changes. For example, adjusting the day and night temperatures of the heating system, reducing the duration of ventilation and keeping rooms properly sealed. These simple changes can make a significant contribution to the insulation and energy efficiency of your home.

In summary, home insulation ideas offer simple, cost-effective and efficient ways to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home. The installation of thermal curtains, insulation films, insulating materials and proper insulation of doors and windows all contribute to reducing energy costs and protecting the environment. Lifestyle changes, such as setting the right temperature and reducing ventilation time, further increase the effectiveness of thermal insulation.

In addition…