Fencing Out Deer? Make Sure the Fence Bottom is Secure

After several years of keeping hungry deer out of my orchard with an 8-foot perimeter fence, one stubborn deer is repeatedly breaching my defenses to munch on corn beds, devour sunflowers, and enjoy a leaf buffet.

When I first spotted the deer in my orchard, I assumed part of my fence must have been damaged. My orchard is surrounded by forest on three sides, and the fence weaves among trees to use them as fence posts, so the fence can’t be examined at a glance. I had to take a walk through the woods (braving mosquitos along the way) to check its integrity.

I was confused to find the fence in (mostly) good shape, still standing tall. There were a couple little issues here and there causing the fence to sag, but nothing too dramatic. And this remained the case even after the deer made its way into the orchard again … and again … and again.

Look Down

But on one occasion, I startled the deer and it promptly escaped by slipping underneath the fence, pushing up the black plastic with its nose and darting off into the woods. Suddenly, a lightbulb went on in my head.

It turns out that during the course of my many perimeter checks, I’d focused too hard on the height of the fence (to prevent the deer from jumping over) and not enough on the bottom of the fence where it meets the ground. When I’d built the fence, I’d folded the bottom 6 inches outward and pinned it down with metal stakes to discourage deer from pushing underneath.

But wear and tear over time had caused the bottom of the fence to break free of the stakes in some places. This provided opportunities for the deer to push the fence up, slip underneath, and wreak havoc.

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Patching Things Up

At the moment, I’m in the middle of making significant fence repairs and improvements to end the deer invasion. Years of maple leaves blown against the bottom of the fence mark places where the deer clearly isn’t nosing under, but any place where the bottom of the fence is exposed is getting enhanced.

In some places, I’m stapling blocks of wood or old wooden fence posts to the bottom of the fence to pin it down. In other places, I’m installing sections of welded wire to create a strong barrier that can’t be pushed away so easily. I’m also planning to use a metal detector to locate the original metal stakes (which are buried under leaf litter at this point) and put them back into proper use.

It’s a time-consuming project, but I’m making progress. And I don’t think the deer has returned to my orchard in several days now.

It goes to show that when installing a deer fence, the integrity of the bottom is every bit as important as the height. Come to…

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What Holiday Drink Should You Serve? | Take This Quiz | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid

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The Drum: Threads ‘will have to clean up its data practices’ in order to launch in EU

“Several privacy concerns with Threads in the EU tie back to Meta’s history of concerning – and, in some cases, illegal – privacy practices. Meta has been fined in the EU for violation of children’s privacy, data breaches, consent violations, breaching data transfer requirements and using an improper legal basis for processing personal data,” says Calli Schroeder, senior counsel and global privacy counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a nonprofit research organization focused on privacy and freedom of expression online.

Read the full article here.

30 Years Shelf-Life Survival Soup (In A Jar)

We are on the cusp of a massive food revolution in the nation and the world.

As preppers we know the value of shelf stables foods that can last for decades. When the news gets crazy nothing feels better than knowing your family can eat even through intense social upheaval.

I want to share with you my recipe for a 30-year survival soup that can be stored in a mason jar or even in Mylar bags. This soup mix is healthy, flavorful, and very easy to prepare. Once stored it will last 30 years,

Make The Bean Mix

This bean mix can be prepared and then stored in Mylar bags for the long term. Mark your bags bean mix so you know what you have in there.

This will give you the ability to throw this soup together long after supermarkets are offline.

Related: Looming Grain Shortage. Do This Before It’s Too Late

30 Years Shelf-Life Survival Soup (In A Jar)

  • 32 ounces green split peas
  • 16 ounces dried green lentils
  • 16 ounces dried black beans
  • 16 ounces dried pinto beans
  • 16 ounces dried navy beans

Make The Spice Mix

Mix the following ingredients together.30 Years Shelf-Life Survival Soup (In A Jar)

  • 1 ½ cups of bouillon
  • ½ cup dried onion
  • ¼ cup paprika
  • ¼ cup turmeric
  • ¼ cup ground ginger
  • 2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons of sea salt

Fill small Ziplock bags ½ a cup of spice mix. These are going to go into your mason jars atop the bean mix.

You need to cook the beans separately, so it is important to keep the spice mix separate from your beans. If you cook beans from the raw state with salt, then it can make them very tough.

Filling The Mason Jars

Each jar is going to get 2 cups of the 5-bean mix and a Ziplock with ½ cup of spice mix.30 Years Shelf-Life Survival Soup (In A Jar)

Preparing The 30 Year Survival Soup Recipe


  • 2 cups of 5 bean mix
  • 6 cups water
  • 1 Ziploc or ½ cup of spice mix


1. Start by soaking your 5 bean mix overnight. This will make the bean cooking process much quicker. Cooking the beans will be the longest part of the recipe.

Related: Canning Mormon Beans For Long Term Preservation

2. In the morning rinse your bean mix and put in a pot with at least 6 inches of water above the beans and cook 1 ½ hours. The beans should be tender at this point. It is best to let them cool in the pot before adding them to the soup. The cooking process will continue in hot water.

3. Add four cups of water to soup pot and then dump in the remaining ingredients. Bring this mix to a simmer and stir along the way. Once this…

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Make Lye Free Soap On The Homestead

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Yahoo! News: Federal report reveals tax prep companies shared personal, financial data without consent

“It’s hard to trust that your privacy is being protected by companies like this,” said John Davisson, Director of Litigation & Senior Counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).

The report shows these companies shared more than just name, emails, and phone number. They also shared personal tax info like having dependents, adjusted gross income and refund amounts.

“Tax information, financial information is some of the most closely guarded personal data that we have,” said Davisson.

Read the full article here.

18 Snowman Ideas To Populate Your Homestead | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid

Looking for some snowman ideas you can craft for your homestead? If you are in need of some creative snowman ideas to populate the inside and outside of your home – check this out!

18 Snowman Ideas To Craft This Winter

“Do you want to build a snowman?” Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself from saying that. Haha! But seriously, do you want to know how to build a snowman? It’s not always just about piling up some snow and putting a carrot for a nose and a scarf around its neck, not all places have snow. So if you’re located somewhere where it doesn’t snow or would just want to make some snowman decorations and crafts to make the season more festive, then you’re in for a treat!

But first, here’s a snowman idea if you’re feeling mischevious:
Watch the “Scary Snowman Prank”


1. Reclaimed Wooden Snowman

A snowman made of wood? Yes it can be, grab some reclaimed wood or pallets and start painting your very own snowman.

2. Log Snowmen

Here’s another snowman made of wood, log to be specific. See how you can make it here.

3. Balloon String Art Snowman

I’m sure you’ve seen this art project around. Making two of them can help you build a snowman. The tutorial is in Spanish but the video should help you out. Check it here.

No yarn? Grab an assortment of yarn right here.

4. Toilet Paper Snowman Elf

Love elf on a shelf? Here’s a fun way you can build a snowman with it. More elf on the shelf ideas here.

5. Yarn Wrapped Snowmen

Cute and inexpensive snowman craft you can make in an afternoon. It’s a great upcycling project you can try. Get the tutorial here.

6. Frozen Fever Snowgies

Remember these adorable little snowgies from Frozen Fever? Here’s a video clip to jog your memory:

It’s a simple craft your kids will love to do. Get the instructions here.


7. Ballerina Snowman Balloons

Cute snowmen, or women in this case, hanging in your home. What fun! See how you can make this snowman/women garland here.

8. No-Sew Snowman Washcloth Puppet

Okay, so this may not really be a home decor but it will be fun for the kids. Get the steps here.


9. Clay Snowmen

Grab some clay and start making these cute clay snowmen. Turn it into a necklace or make something bigger for a DIY ornament. Check it out here.


10. Paper Snowman

A cute snowman you can make even without the snow. See it here.

11. Handful Snowmen Glove

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35 Cold Weather Hacks To Keep You Safe And Cozy This Winter

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What Human Food is Good For Your Dog

What human food is good for your dog? Satisfy your dog’s cravings every time they give you that sweet stare begging to taste your food!

When you want to give your dog a treat from your table, do you know which human foods are safe for your dog? Learn what human food is safe for your dogs and keep your dogs healthy. Read on and know the risks involved when feeding your dog human foods.


What Human Food is Good For Your Dog | Infographic

Giving your dog human food is a debatable topic. Each dog has its own unique needs and individual dietary restrictions. It’s important that you know that any food that is not part of your dog’s normal diet could have harmful effects on your dog’s health.

This could include diarrhea, upset stomach or even lead to pancreatitis. You need to monitor the fat and sodium content in your dog’s food, likewise your dog’s own sensitivity to certain foods.

Kudos to the guys of dogfoodselector.com who have come up with this very helpful and impressive infographic that shows the risk of human food to dogs.

The risk is classified as:

0: Minimal risk if given in controlled amounts

1: Low risk

2: Moderate risk

3: High Risk


Can Dogs Eat Human Food?

The following list includes numerous human foods marked with the potential risk to induce gastrointestinal or toxicity problems in dogs.

0 – Minimal Risk


Alfalfa, Apple, Banana, Basil, Barley, Beans, Beef, Beets, Bell Peppers, Blackberries, Broccoli, Brown Rice, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Celery, Cilantro, Chamomile Tea, Chai Seeds, Chicken, Chick Peas, Cranberries, Coconut Oil, Cottage Cheese, Cucumbers, Duck, Edamame, Cooked Fish, Gelatin, Green Beans, Kelp, Kiwifruit, Lamb, Lentils, Lettuce, Liver, Melon, Oregano, Papaya, Pear, Peppers, Pineapple, Plain Croutons, Pork, Pumpkin, Rasberries, Salmon, Sardines, Seaweed, Squash, Strawberries, Sweet Potatoes, Turkey, Turmeric, Watermelon and Zucchini.

1 – Low Risk 

Apple juice, Asparagus, Bagels, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Canola Oil, Cauliflower, Cherries, Clams, Crab, Crackers, Eggs, Flax Seed, Honey, Honeydew, Mango, Oatmeal, Octopus, Olives, Pancakes, Parsley, Pasta, Peanut Butter, Peas, Peppermint, Pistachio Nuts, Popcorn, Potatoes, Rice, Seafood, Shrimp, Squid, Sunflower Seeds, Sushi, Tuna, and Yogurt.

2 – Moderate Risk 

Almonds, Aloe Vera, Apricot, Avocado, Baby Food, Bacon, Bread, Butter, Cashews, Cheerios, Cheese, Cornmeal, Eggplant, Green Tea, Ginger, Ham, Ice Cream, Lactose Free Milk, Milk, Mushrooms, Orange, Orange Juice, Peaches, Persimmons, Quinoa, Spinach, Tangerines, Tofu, Tomatoes and Tortillas.

3 – High Risk

Acorns, Alcohol, Beer, Bones, Brownies, Caramel, Cat Food, Chips, Chocolate, Coffee, Corn Cobs, Doritos, Fat Trimmings, French Fries, Garlic, Granola, Grapefruit, Grapes, Ginger Ale, Human Vitamins, Jalapeños, Ketchup, Leftovers, Lemons, Macadamia Nuts, Marshmallows, Milkshake, Mints, Nachos, Nuts, Nutmeg, Onions, Oreos, Pecans, Pepperoni, Pickles, Pizza, Pomegranate, Pretzels, Raisins, Rhubarb Leaves,  Salami, Salt, Sausage, Skittles, Soda, Sugar, Tacos, White Chocolate, Xylitol and Yeast Dough.

Thanks for checking out our What Human Food is Good For Your Dog | Infographic post! Did you find it helpful and interesting? Let us know…

EPIC Statement on NDAA Senate Amendment 218 regarding privacy for Members of Congress and their families

Congress is currently considering passing a narrow and ineffective privacy law; they should take a more comprehensive approach as EPIC has previously recommended. Senate Amendment 218 offered by Senators Klobuchar and Cruz as a floor amendment to the Senate’s Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (S. 2226), would in practice do very little to protect the privacy of personal information about members of Congress and their families. The bill as currently written would make almost all data brokers exempt from the rules that are ostensibly meant to limit data broker sales of protected personal information. Congress should not pass a privacy and data broker bill that fails to regulate data brokers or protect consumers. 

Amendment 218, similar to the Judicial Security and Privacy Act that Congress enacted last year, purports to prohibit data brokers from knowingly selling, licensing, trading, transferring, or purchasing the personal information of those covered by the bill (Members of Congress, their close relatives, and some Congressional staff). The ostensible goal is to limit access to addresses and other personal information that could pose a risk to these individuals. But the bill as written exempts any “consumer reporting agency subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act” and any “financial institution subject to the Graham-Leach-Bliley Act.” But these are precisely the types of data brokers that buy and sell people’s personal information in ways that could put the subjects of this bill at risk. 

The entities subject to the FCRA include commercial websites like Spokeo that sell access to personally identifiable information, including contact data, marital status, age, occupation, economic health, and wealth information. And the GLBA applies to a wide range of entities that “offer financial products and services to individual” like loans and insurance. So Amendment 218 would, by exempting these entities, not actually accomplish the goal of protecting members of Congress and their families from data brokers and threats to their privacy or security. 

All Americans deserve privacy protections that actually work. That is why we urge the Senate to to reject Amendment 218 and instead work towards passing meaningful, comprehensive privacy protections for all Americans.