10 Tips to Keep Your Rental Property Safe

As a property owner and landlord, you are responsible for the safety of your tenants. Aside from providing them shelter, tenants need to feel protected while in the comforts of your property. If your tenants feel that you are looking out for their welfare, they will likely stay with you for a longer period of time. By boosting your rental property’s security measures, you can increase its value, strengthen your relationship with your current tenants and attract quality future renters. To guide you through this process, here are some ways to help you keep your property secure.

Rental Property Safe

1. Start with the entrance

The entrance and front area of your rental property can serve as a hiding place for criminals. Make sure to trim your bushes and or any other obstructions. Your front entrance should be clear and free from any hindrances that will make your tenants vulnerable to ill-intentioned individuals.

2. Secure the doors

One of the first things that you should do is to secure your external doors. Invest in quality doors made of heavy-duty materials and avoid using doors with glass windows, hollow doors, or those made in plastic as they are easy to break and get into. Upgrade your doors’ locking mechanisms and consider installing deadbolt locks and door jammers for added security. For your tenants’ peace of mind, you can add peepholes or multiple chain locks. In addition, make sure to collect the keys from an evicted tenant and consider changing your locks frequently in case your previous tenants made a copy. 

3. Focus on your windows

Your windows are vulnerable entryways in your rental property. Most windows are equipped with a locking mechanism, which makes them impossible to be opened from the outside. However, intruders can easily break the window glass and climb through, especially if your rental unit is located on the first floor of a commercial building. Make sure to install window locks to discourage burglars from breaking and entering. For more protection, you can install window sensors designed to alert you if the windows have been tampered with. 

4. Add more exterior lighting

One of the easiest ways to improve your rental property’s security is to install additional external lighting. Your tenants don’t want to come home at night feeling anxious whenever they try to open the front door. Make sure to illuminate the dark areas around your property. You can use motion-sensors lighting as they can detect movement even from several feet away. They are also eco-friendly as some of them are solar-powered, so you don’t need to worry that they will run out of batteries or increase your electricity bill. 

5. Install a security system

Having a security system can make your tenants feel more protected. It may seem like a significant investment, but it could spell the difference when tenants are property hunting. There are several options that you could choose from that offer a variety of features. Make sure to select the one that suits…

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