25 Kitchen Items That Do Not Need Electricity

When disaster strikes, be it long or short-term, keeping the food coming is going to take high priority for any prepper. Calories are quite literally the fuel that working bodies will require if they are going to keep putting in the work required for survival!

manual kitchen tools drawing

Accordingly, preppers spend an awful lot of time and a not inconsiderable amount of money stockpiling various survival-centric foods for the occasion, should it occur.

However, most of these plans are bug out-centric in nature, meaning that the tacit assumption of evacuation or fleeing into the wilderness, or some other remote refuge is assumed as a certainty, or at least very likely.

But, as it turns out, there are plenty of major events that could result in a long- or indefinite-term survival situation that will require you to bug in at your own home- only you’ll likely be doing it without benefit of electricity.

In such a scenario you will still be preparing food in your own kitchen, most likely, even if you are relying on outdoor cooking solutions.

Therefore you’ll be in good shape and able to prepare meals much in the same way you always have if you have a reliable stash of kitchen items, gadgets and utensils that don’t rely on electricity to function.

Today we are bringing you a list of 25 such items that no prepper should consider bugging in without.

What Items Are Not On This List

Before we get to the list proper, it might be illuminating to discuss what isn’t on the list, and why they are omitted.

First things first, I’m assuming that any functional kitchen will have things like table cutlery, and utensils like tongs, spatulas, ladles and so on and so forth.

If you don’t have those things, frankly, you shouldn’t be relying on a list like this to help you equip any kitchen, much less a post societal collapse kitchen! Consider such items mandatory in any case.

Next, you won’t find any fancy, novelty kitchen gadgets that perform one eccentric or incredibly specific function, even if they just so happen to not rely on electricity. These things are simply a waste of space and a waste of money.

You don’t need a hand carved artisanal herb and seasoning sprig stripper when you can just use your hand or the edge of a spoon on a cutting board to do the same thing.

You likewise don’t need a non-electric cast iron panini press if you just have a couple of plain cast iron skillets.

Everything that you’ll find on this list is basic in the way that most good tools should be, meaning they excel at one function but are capable of handling several other jobs depending on your requirements, or they are tools that do something that no other tool or apparatus can easily do.

All of them will save you time, effort and energy and that is something that any prepper can…

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