7 Things You Have On Your Property That Will Attract Intruders When SHTF

Have you ever been invited to someone’s house for the first time and immediately knew they were a prepper? What jumped out at you to draw that conclusion?

The stockpiles of food and supplies in plain sight? The solar panels and generators? Oftentimes, quirky features make it completely obvious where a prepper resides.

The problem is if you can spot a prepper, who else can? When SHTF, where do you think desperate people are going to go first to beg, loot, and intrude?

That’s right, a property that looks like they have food and supplies is exactly where intruders will be drawn to. In all likelihood, soon-to-be intruders are already sizing you and your property up right now.

Instead of standing out like a sore thumb, here are 7 things on your property that are going to attract intruders if you don’t take the effort to hide them.

Visible Energy Sources

7 Things You Have On Your Property That Will Attract Intruders When SHTFSolar panels have become a typical feature of the average household across America. However, when SHTF, your solar panels, combined with your lights, fans, air conditioning, and appliances will attract undue attention from onlookers.

Related: How To Prepare Your House Against Looters

Generators are also prime items of interest for intruders during critical times, as electricity infinitely expands their options.

If you have any other sources of energy in plain sight, like diesel drums, wind, or water mills, these will also attract the attention of looters.

The most desperate intruders will not only want to take these items, but they will also conclude there are more valuable items in the house that they can steal.

Outdoor Appliances

7 Things You Have On Your Property That Will Attract Intruders When SHTFOutdoor deep freezers, extra refrigerators, grills, and smokers are necessary to stockpile food, and keep the inside of your home free of excess.

However, the visibility of outdoor appliances when SHTF will definitely catch the eyes of desperate intruders if they are in need of food and water.

Perform this mental exercise: Picture a desperate looter on the prowl for something to pilfer as they watch your garage door closing automatically when no one else has electricity.

At that moment, they catch a glimpse of your deep freezer and refrigerator. You have just made yourself an instant target to those determined to survive.

At that point, you better hope your self-defense system is primed and ready to go.


7 Things You Have On Your Property That Will Attract Intruders When SHTFThough large animals are somewhat difficult to steal without a great deal of coordinated effort and risk, their presence implies that one is clearly prepared for the food crisis, as they are producing their own food.

Smaller animals like chickens, goats, or newborn livestock are also easy targets.

Even if these animals are not visible from your driveway or…

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