Here’s What We Know About the Beliefs of Elon Musk

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By the author of What School Should Have Taught You and The Prepper’s Guide to Post-Disaster Communications.

There’s a lot of fanfare going on regarding Elon Musk at the moment. I figured this would be a good time to take a look at a bit of his track record and what he supports.

Musk freed Twitter.

There’s a lot of hubbub at the moment about how now that Elon Musk owns Twitter, that those silenced will now be able to speak on social media once more. He laid off a few thousand of the old censorship people and got rid of the ridiculousness here, meaning that Twitter may very well once more be a reputable form of social media.

It looks like he’s working to remove the thousands of bots that all say the same thing (conveniently pushing a Marxist agenda) as well.

For all of this, I say Elon gets a solid plus.

Musk thinks artificial intelligence is potentially dangerous.

“With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon,” Musk has said. He also says AI is “Potentially more dangerous than nukes.”

I would agree with him on both of these being potential threats. (Superintelligence does a very good job of outlining the way these threats could occur.) I don’t think that AI will reach the levels of danger that Musk is concerned about, but I definitely think it’s a potential threat.

For at least being plugged into reality here, I would say this is a plus.

Musk is creating brain chip implants.

When he first unveiled his chip brain implant, the Neuralink, Musk advertised it as being “like a Fitbit in your skull,” also saying that this would be a means by which paralyzed people would be able to regain mobility in their limbs.

Fitbit has been at the center of a number of public conversations regarding personal information and privacy, and the conversation most certainly could be considered applicable to Neuralink as well.

Would data be harvested? What would be done with brainwave data? Could you be hacked? A lot of people are asking these questions right now.

Musk also says this would be a way for chipped individuals to release serotonin on demand. Would this create a new generation of chipped drug addicts? If one could release dopamine on demand, would they soon do nothing else?

He’s also said that one of the main motivations for Neuralink is to allow humanity to be able to defend itself better against…

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