How To Help The Young And The Old Relax During A Disaster

One key aspect that is often overlooked when it comes to disaster planning is the need for boredom relief. While most of us think about the essential supplies such as food, water, and medical provisions, it’s easy to forget that a crisis situation can bring with it a significant amount of downtime.

Imagine, for example, the power goes out during a blizzard, and suddenly you’re left with only the second half of your “Netflix and chill” plans. This scenario can be frustrating, especially if you have kids who will be climbing the walls in no time.

However, the issue of boredom goes beyond mere annoyance. It can lead to a wide range of problems that can affect your mental and physical health. For instance, being bored for an extended period can cause you to become irritable, anxious, and fidgety. On the other hand, it can also leave you feeling tired and unmotivated. Neither of these scenarios is ideal in the aftermath of a disaster, where you need to be alert, focused, and ready to deal with any situation that arises.

Therefore, it’s crucial to plan for entertainment and other activities that can help relieve boredom during a crisis. While stockpiling essential supplies is undoubtedly necessary, it’s also important to think about things to do when you can’t binge-watch your favorite show. For instance, you can plan on playing board games with your family or reading books that you’ve been putting off for a while. You can also consider purchasing art supplies or puzzles that can keep your mind occupied and your hands busy.


Physical activity can be an excellent way to burn off extra energy and stay in shape, making it a valuable asset during both normal times and periods of crisis. By improving your physical condition, you’ll be better equipped to handle stress and the challenges that come with survival situations. And the best part is that you don’t need any special equipment to get started! There are numerous exercises that you can perform using just your own body weight as resistance.

One of the most effective exercises for strengthening your core is the plank, with the front plank being the most popular variation. To perform a front plank, begin by getting down on the floor in the standard push-up position. Instead of extending your arms out and resting on your hands, bend your arms until your forearms and elbows support your weight. Bring your hands together and balance on your toes while keeping your back as straight as possible. It’s crucial to keep breathing while holding the position for as long as you can.

If you’re new to planking, try to hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds at a time. Over the course of several weeks, you can gradually increase the duration to three or four minutes. Traditional exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks are also great options. Just be sure not to overdo it if…

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