12 Things to Own When the Dollar Collapses

These days, everyone is rightfully worried about a massive economic downturn precipitated by the collapse of the US dollar. There is plenty of good evidence why everyone should be worried about this, not the least of which is that the dollar is about to be unseated as the world’s reserve currency.

things to own when the dollar collapses collage

That, plus rampant government spending, raging inflation, and massive political and social unrest has led to a seemingly perfect storm of conditions that will expose, in shocking relief, the shortcomings of fiat currency.

America may be exceptional, but our currency is certainly not exempt from the market and economic forces and it is just about time to pay the butcher’s bill.

Accordingly, every sane person and preppers in particular are scrambling to prepare for one of the most complex and deteriorating crises in the form of a currency collapse.

You’ll need more than a survival kit and a bug-out bag if you want to make it through.

To help you in that endeavor, we are bringing you a list of 10 things that you should own before the dollar collapses.

What Causes the US Dollar to Decline and Collapse?

There has been a veritable ocean of ink spilled by pundits, experts, authorities, and common people over the years concerning what “actually” causes the dollar to dip, decline, and finally collapse.

While it is true that the forces behind our modern economy are incredibly complex, the causes for a dollar collapse tend to be fairly straightforward in nature.

Remember, it might be one or more of these factors together that genuinely precipitates the dollar collapse!

Don’t consider yourself and your investments safe just because you cannot see one or more on the horizon.

War and Disaster

Devastating natural occurrences like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods can wreak havoc on a currency’s worth as they may impede commerce plus impair essential infrastructures.

Mega disasters can have a regional impact that has far-reaching consequences.

War, as ever, is a destabilizing force that can likewise drain unfathomable amounts of money and tip economic balances.

Economic Slump/Recession

When a recession strikes, investors may become hesitant about the strength of a country’s economy, thus seeking more secure investments.

This can trigger an immediate decrease in demand for that currency, consequently reducing its value.

This will in turn ripple out into other financial sectors, sometimes creating conditions for another recession or depression and leading to the tanking of the currency.


When inflation rises to an excessive degree, the worth of a nation’s currency can suffer. This is because their money holds less value as prices for commodities and services increase.

Consequently, the purchasing power of its citizens falls significantly and, in practice, their currency has been devalued out from under them. This is why inflation is usually called a “hidden tax”.

Social and Political Turmoil

When a nation experiences political volatility, investors become hesitant to invest due to uncertainty about…

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