So, Is It Illegal To Collect Rainwater in Kentucky?

Kentucky is famous, or rather infamous, for its unpredictable weather, and when it rains it tends to pour. Naturally, that would make the Bluegrass State a wonderful place to have your own rain collection system.

kentucky flag

Raincatching is an ancient practice that is a great way to ensure you always have water coming in, even during a major disaster or grid down scenario. But, some states have serious restrictions on the activity.

Is Kentucky one of them? Is it illegal to collect rainwater in Kentucky?

No, it is not illegal to collect rainwater in Kentucky. The state has no specific laws or regs concerning it. However, rainwater collection must still follow all applicable state and local laws and codes.

Kentucky is, thankfully, one of the most relaxed states when it comes to rainwater collection, so you can rest assured that no matter where you are you’ll likely be able to install a system with no issues.

That said, there’s plenty more to learn so you can make an informed decision on the process. Keep reading and I will tell you all about it below…

Is Collection of Rainwater Illegal at the State Level in Kentucky?

No, it is not illegal to collect rainwater in Kentucky at the state level. Kentucky has no regulation against residents collecting rainwater for really any purposes.

In fact, Kentucky encourages and supports rainwater harvesting among the citizenry as it can help save water during times of drought, and reduce stormwater runoff.

However, the collection and use of rainwater must still abide by all applicable state laws, including those concerning water quality for consumption or other purposes.

Is Collection of Rainwater Illegal at the County Level?

No. As far as I could find, there are no counties that outright ban citizens from collecting rainwater.

However, it’s possible for individual counties and municipalities to implement their own requirements on rainwater harvesting, including permitting and codes for the installation of systems.

Some local laws may require water quality sampling, an inspection, or restrict the amount of water that may be collected.

It’s also important to note that your rainwater collection system must be in compliance with all local zoning ordinances and building codes.

So, make sure to check with your city or county government before starting any project- and definitely before you plunk down a ton of cash on tanks and components!

Although most counties likely don’t have any serious regulations, failure to obey can see you fined or charged. Don’t risk it!

Under What Conditions Can Citizens Collect Rainwater in Kentucky?

The Kentucky State Government permits citizens to collect rainwater for basically any purpose at any time, again so long as all state and local laws are being followed otherwise.

But once again, your local codes and laws might specify various regulations that could impact your collection operation or intended use.

Is There a Limit on How Much Rainwater You Can Collect in Kentucky?

No, not according to state law….

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