Problem pests and how to control them

Problem pests

Most of us like to keep our homes warm and cosy, so they’re comfy to live in. But it’s not just us humans that enjoy the comfort of our homes. There’s a whole range of pests that do too. Modern homes are lovely and warm and full of natural fibres and foodstuffs. This makes them the perfect habitat for pests. 

So, it’s more than likely you’ll need to deal with the odd insect or rodent from time to time. But what should we be aware of? What pests commonly invade homes and how to you stop them taking over? Let’s take a look at common problem pests and how you control them.

Fleas and bed bugs

Blood-sucking pests are not only unpleasant to have in your house but they can be very hard to spot. Plus, they’re often difficult to get rid of once they’ve made themselves at home. Two common blood-suckers are fleas and bed bugs.

You might think that fleas are only problematic if you own a cat or dog, but fleas have a sneaky habit of getting everywhere. A previous tenant could have brought them into your home, as eggs can lay dormant for some time. Or rodents may be bringing them in. But as fleas don’t lay eggs on animals but in gardens and on furnishings, you may get fleas without animals being present. But you’ll know when they are present, as they can be seen hopping around. And you’re likely to feel itchy or see bites on your limbs. 

If you do have pets, get them treated and keep their bedding clean. Be thorough with your vacuuming, paying close attention to carpets and sofa cushions. If you think it’s more than a rogue flea, you can buy powders and sprays to kill them or hire a pest control company to treat your home with insecticide.

Bed bugs are often thought of as a Victorian problem, but they’ve made a bit of a resurgence of late. This is largely down to our love of travel. As we move about, these bugs tend to hitchhike with us. As the name suggests, these critters hide in the crevices of your bed. However, they’re small and very hard to spot. The giveaway is usually the bites you’re left with. Bed bugs spread easily, so it’s very important to call out a pest control company to deal with them properly. 


Moths have long been wreaking havoc in our homes. They can destroy both clothes and carpets with ease. Carpet moths and clothes moths love natural fibres including wool. The moths lay their eggs in these fibres, giving the larvae something to chow down on when they hatch. 

You may see the moths flying around. Or they may be clinging to your curtains, hanging out between your clothes or hiding under the sofa. But the eggs and larvae are harder to spot. Usually the first sign of a problem is when you find holes in your carpets or clothes. There are chemical,…

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